The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1056 I Marry You (4)

Chapter 1056 I Marry You (4)


She swore in good faith.

Jiang Ying nodded in relief, "That's good."

"Xiao Sheng has grown up and has her own opinions. I can't control you, but I hope you can marry a good family."

Fu Sheng nodded obediently.

Let's wait until she finds Dabai.



Early the next morning,

Jiang Ying is going to Buzhuang to see business again.

Because of knocked legs and feet, walking is inconvenient,

So Fu Sheng volunteered to bring her lunch.

Jiang Ying hesitated for a moment and agreed.

in broad daylight,

There are people coming and going in the village, and probably there will be no hooligans.

Mainly, what she was worried about was that her silly daughter would go to Liu Dian again,

Or Liu Dian came to her, and then with a few sweet words, the silly daughter was hooked again.

But looking at Fusheng's clear and concerned eyes,

Jiang Ying chose to believe her after all.

Before leaving, he gave her some money.

Fusheng is also welcome, accept it.

The original owner's money was looted by Liu Dian before, so she doesn't have any money on her now.

Away from home,

You can't do without money.

Fu Sheng took part of the money and put it away,

The other part was put in the small purse that I carried with me.

After finishing,

She went back to her room and continued to read.




the sun is big.

In hot summer, the temperature is always the highest at noon.

Fusheng held an umbrella and went out with a food box.

As soon as I went out,

Liu Dian stood up immediately, as if he had guarded there in advance, and smiled at her,

"Sister Sheng."

"..." Fu Sheng frowned slightly.

What a greasy laugh,

... a little nauseous.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Liu Dian thought she was fascinated by his smile,

He came over and said softly, "Sister Sheng, are you feeling better?"

"Yesterday I came to look for you, you—"

There was a sound of "pa--".

Liu Dian was shot by the mud bricks hanging in the air behind him, and fell to the ground instantly.

Fu Sheng's face was cold and expressionless.

No, it's too uncomfortable.

It hurts to hear him talk.

The girl with goosebumps rubbed her arms, walked around him, and left.

On the ground, Liu Dian was unconscious.



Haitang Village has a large area,

There are more than 300 families living in the village, which is considered a big village.

Fusheng's house lives in the best location in the southeast, with a big yard and a pear tree.

And the cloth shop opened in the north of the village, a little far away,

Fu Sheng was not in a hurry, holding an umbrella and walking slowly,

Just take a look at the topography of the village.

The village is built along the river, and a river just crosses in the middle.

In order to facilitate irrigation, the villagers' fields are next to the river, one by one.

To cross the river, Fusheng naturally has to pass through a large field.


The women and children of the family also started home one after another with food boxes, delivering meals to the men in the fields.

Fusheng followed them and listened to them talk about various family affairs in the village.

When women gather together, the news is naturally the most well-informed, and of course, they love to gossip.

It was very interesting for Fusheng to hear them say which family's girl was molested again, and which family's child stole something again.


She walked along the bridge over the river and came to the other side of the river.

As soon as the footsteps landed,


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[Ma'am, madam, at three o'clock. 】

Fu Sheng looked over.

There are not many people at three o'clock,

At this moment, most of the families have someone to bring food,

So almost all sat down on the spot and ate a big mouthful.

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