The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1057 I Marry You (5)

Chapter 1057 I Marry You (5)


only far away,

A silent and sturdy figure is still plowing and weeding without stopping.

The lonely back, compared with someone delivering food nearby, seemed a bit abrupt for no reason.

Fu Sheng stopped.

She frowned slightly, pulled a woman beside her and asked,

"Auntie, who is that person?"

She pointed to the muscular man in the distance.

The woman took a look, "Oh, you said him, his name is Song Zhao, an orphan, and he is still dumb."


Fu Sheng was slightly taken aback.

The woman seemed to have some disgust and disgust for him,

"He, not only is he dumb, but he also doesn't know how to flatter him."

"I saw him pitifully before, and no one gave him food, so I gave him a steamed bun. He didn't want it, and he didn't even look at it, and threw it on the ground."

"Tell me, is this person mentally ill?"

The woman was outraged.

Fu Sheng frowned slightly, "He doesn't eat at noon?"

"There's no one at home. He lives with a dog. Could it be that the dog will give it to him?"

The woman laughed frequently as if she was telling a joke.

But then, she gave her a weird look, a little yin and yang,

"Why, have you taken a fancy to someone?"

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Can't you?"

"Don't think about the girl, he is a person with a sick mind, and you will suffer if you marry him."

The woman giggled.

Fu Sheng didn't speak.

She looked at the man in the distance again, and squeezed the food box tightly in her hand.

Fusheng didn't delay too long because she had to deliver food to her mother, and left soon.

when you come back,

Carrying five meat buns wrapped in greased paper in her hand, she returned the same way.

She didn't have much money with her, she could only afford three meat buns,

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop still looked at her as Jiang Ying's daughter and gave her the money on credit.

Fusheng carried them and returned to the place just now.


Most of the men in the fields had already had a good meal and continued to work.

The woman took the child and went back with the food box.

the sun is very hot,

The men, almost shirtless, were sweating in the fields.

Facing the loess and back to the sky, it was very hard work.

Holding an umbrella, Fusheng found a path in the field and crossed it.

Suddenly a watery girl appeared on the field,

The men all looked over.

Seeing that it was Miss Buzhuang, they had no bad intentions and greeted her.

Fu Sheng responded obediently.

walked for a while,

Holding an umbrella, she finally reached the most remote field.

There are almost no people around here, and the location is very remote.

A very tall man, with his back to her, was digging the earth without saying a word.

He was tall, and his skin was tanned by the sun,

Shirtless, the muscles on it are extremely thick, and with his large movements, they jerk and jerk, looking very scary.

Fusheng put down her umbrella, afraid of stepping on his ground, so she went around,

Holding the meat bun, she muttered and said in a low voice,

"Song... Song Zhao, hello."

The man made a move.

The big hoe in his hand was heavily inserted into the mud.

His cold black eyes looked over.

Only then did Fu Sheng see his appearance clearly,

At first glance, it was very dark.

Very tanned by the sun.

He looks very strong, with a mature and stable face, with deep eyebrows and eyes.


There was a very long scar across his dark face,

Extending obliquely from one corner of the eyebrows to the corner of the mandible on the other side,

The color is black and hideous.

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