The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1058 I Marry You (6)

Chapter 1058 I Marry You (6)


As if once caught by the claws of a wild beast,

Life and death destroyed the beauty of his facial features,

He looked over coldly, his black eyes were cold and emotionless.

Fu Sheng paused, blinked her eyes, and made a louder voice,

"My name is Wang Sheng, the daughter of Jiang Ying's family. Nice to meet you."

Song Zhao glanced at her indifferently, and then continued to pick up the hoe.

The hoe is huge, made of iron, and weighs at least 30 kilograms by visual inspection.

The man holds both hands, lifts them up, and swings them down effortlessly,

The soil on the muddy ground was lifted up by the hoe, and the mud was splashed everywhere.

Several of them hit Fusheng's white skirt directly, stained with dirt,

Fu Sheng blinked, looking at his strong arms, inexplicably, terrified.

She always has kind,

If he was not happy, she would die on the spot with a swipe of a hoe.

The thin little girl silently tightened the string hanging on the oiled paper in her hand.

Afraid of being hit by a hoe, she didn't dare to get too close,

Standing on the path beside the field, I spoke softly,

"Are you hungry? I saw you didn't eat just now."

"I bought steamed stuffed buns, they are delicious, would you like some?"

There is an inexplicable concern in her words,

He has never met him before, but he is serious and trying to get close to him as if he was treating a very good friend.

The man lowered his eyes, his expression remained the same,

Cold and indifferent, the movements of his hands kept going.

As if he didn't hear her words, he completely ignored her.

The direction of his hoeing is along the line, all the way to the other side of the field,

So he got closer to the path where Fu Sheng was standing,

I don't know if it was intentional or not,

When he swung his hoe, there was a splash of mud,

Caught off guard, it landed on Fusheng,

She was wearing a white skirt, and it was so cold that the skirt was covered with bits and pieces of dirt.

Fu Sheng: "..."

She patted her skirt silently.


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[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval rate: 5%】

Fu Sheng didn't give up, and looked around.

as expected,

On another path beside the field, there is a kettle and a straw hat.

This is a must for men to go to the field,

Straw hats are worn to prevent the sun from getting too hot,

And the kettle is to be filled with water, to drink when resting from work.

Song Zhao's is obviously on the other side.

Fu Sheng glanced at him and walked over.

She wore cloth shoes, which were very delicate and clean, and they were already stained with dirt when walking on the path beside the field.

She didn't care, and went over with the meat buns.

The little girl was about to put things by the kettle,

No, the kettle was probably empty, but it fell down with a clang.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

"..." Song Zhao looked over with slightly cold eyes.

Fu Sheng explained subconsciously, "I didn't move anything, I just wanted to put the bun here."

she opened her hand,

Her hands are clean, slender and white, and she looks like a young lady whose fingers do not touch the spring water.

With her face...

Song Zhao's black eyes were cold, and a thought flashed across his face.

Fu Sheng didn't want to disturb him either, and originally wanted to put down the buns and leave.

But that kettle...

She glanced at it involuntarily.

Seeing the sturdy man lower his head and continue digging, she pursed her lips and secretly hid the kettle.

After running home to fill the jug with water,

She took the kettle back with her.

before leaving,

Seeing that the meat buns on the ground hadn't been moved for more than half, she sighed,

Probably know, he will not eat.

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