The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1060 I Marry You (8)

Chapter 1060 I Marry You (8)


Song Zhao was silent.


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【Total approval rate: 12%】

The black and rough hand slowly took it.

Open the oil paper,

Inside, five white and clean buns that had been frozen were exposed.

Each bun is very big, with oil seeping out from the bottom.

The meaty fragrance is overflowing, and it spreads in an instant.

The man pursed his dry lips.

He hadn't eaten all day, his stomach was already empty, and he was a little cramped with hunger,

His hands clenched slightly,

Reason told him that he should throw it away.

He does not accept charity from others.

The man's eyes were slightly cold.


His hands didn't move, still maintaining that posture.

"Wow woof?"

The big black dog didn't understand what the master meant.

it is also very hungry,

But the master didn't eat it, and it didn't dare to eat it.

The big black dog sat down and looked at him.

at last,

It watched its owner sit down, put the meat bun wrapped in oil paper in his arms,

He ate quietly one bite at a time, and gave one of them to it,

Obviously there is still no expression on his face,

But the sensitive big black dog can faintly feel it,

Its owner seems to be a little confused about his emotions.


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【Total approval rate: 13%】




When talking about cloth business with my mother,

Fu Sheng offered to help.

Aunt Wang was naturally happy and readily agreed.

Before that, she wanted her to enter the cloth shop a long time ago and start to learn how to do business.

It's just that the original owner only had Liu Dian in his heart, and he didn't want to touch those complicated things at all, so he kept refusing.

It is rare to figure it out now, which is naturally excellent.

Aunt Wang was a little worried about her at first, but now she is completely relieved.

Early the next morning,

Fusheng followed Aunt Wang to Buzhuang.


Because she was thinking about her husband, she just found an excuse and came out of the cloth village.

On the street, she bought a few large pieces of pancakes and a pound of mung bean cake, which was very generous.

Although I knew that Song Zhao would not eat it, or even throw it away,

But Fusheng still wanted to send it to him.

The noon sun is very strong, hot and dull,

The temperature on the ground was scorched very high, and the vegetation was wilting,

Fusheng held an umbrella and walked along the field path.

This time she learned to be smart, and instead of wearing embroidered shoes, she wore cloth shoes that were a bit prickly.

This kind of cloth shoes are basically worn by women who do farm work, which is convenient for work and resistant to dirt.

Fusheng held an umbrella and walked to a remote field.

Today's sun is very strong, Song Zhao changed the field to plow,

When the heavy hoe was swung into the mud, the muffled sound was very regular.

He was still shirtless, his body was black, and he looked as hard as a piece of iron,

The agglomerated muscles twitched, and there was still faint sweat.

Fu Sheng put down the umbrella and looked around.

Song Zhao's water bottle and straw hat were placed on the other side.

She was carrying something, thought for a while, moved a little closer to him, and said softly,

"Song Zhao, I brought pancakes and mung bean cakes today, I can't finish them all, so I'll share some with you, okay?"

The man paused,

Fu Sheng didn't bother him, went to the other side and put the things next to his kettle.

After putting it away,

She grabbed the water bottle casually,

It is a little light inside, and it seems that there is still some water left.

Fusheng looked at the silent man in the field who was digging with his head down,

She blinked, picked up the water bottle she brought,

Unplugged and poured some in.

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