The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1061 (9) (I want to go back to kindergarten to further study and add more rewards)

Chapter 1061 (9) (I want to go back to kindergarten to further study and add more rewards)


It wasn't until Song Zhao's kettle was full that Fu Sheng was covered and put back in place.

After doing this quietly,

The little girl stood up, still gentle,

"Song Zhao, I'll help you fill the water."

"The water is clean, I have never drank it, if you are thirsty, remember to drink some~"

The man hoeed the ground without looking at her.

Still ignore.

Fu Sheng looked around,

Yesterday's meat buns are no longer there,

There is a high probability...he has already lost it, right?

She sighed slightly.

She doesn't care about money,

The main thing is to worry about his body.

If you don't eat lunch for a long time, it will not be good if you get hungry and have stomach problems.


He ignores her now,

It's not good for her to force him to eat.


It can only come little by little.

Fu Sheng looked at him quietly for a while.

the sun is very hot,

The little girl didn't hold an umbrella,

The delicate skin was quickly sunburned, and it was a little hot and painful.

She looked at the sky and stood up.

"Song Zhao, I'm leaving first, the food is here, remember to eat."

The little girl reminded him patiently before leaving.

The man didn't seem to hear her, he didn't look at her, and hoeed the ground with his head down.

Fu Sheng was not angry either, so he held up his umbrella and left the same way.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval rate: 18%】



When the little girl's slender figure walks away,

The man's movements stopped.

Standing quietly, not speaking.

His faint gaze fell on the kettle and the things beside it.

There was no emotion on his indifferent face.


The men in the field are basically resting.

There are women in the family, with children, carrying food boxes to deliver meals to the men,

in the fields,

The children were running around, men and women gathered together, chatting about their parents, but it was very lively.

Except this side,

Very isolated place.

Song Zhao quietly looked at the things on the ground, and slightly tightened his hand holding the hoe.

at last,

The things wrapped in oiled paper on the ground were picked up.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval: 20%】



Fusheng began to deliver meals to Song Zhao on time every day.

Although he still ignores her,

But she still insisted on sending.

Sometimes meals, sometimes pastries,

Every time she came, she carried the water bottle and things, and quietly put them away for him.

After putting it away,

Fusheng will sit on the ground and watch him for a while,

From time to time, I would talk about myself and ask him some questions.

Because she knew he wouldn't answer, she didn't ask too many questions, and quickly changed the subject.

After the man plowed the field, he began to weed,

He has great strength. When pulling weeds, he only needs to pull gently, and the weeds will be uprooted.

He's bored, always working with his head down,

He didn't even look at her, completely ignoring her.

Fu Sheng has always had a good temper, and he has almost no bottom line for him.

He ignored her, and she sat for a while and left without disturbing him.

before leaving,

She always looks around, subconsciously looking for the food she brought the day before.

Because I was prepared in my heart,

So even if she is lost, she will not be particularly angry,


She can't find what she brought before,

The fields are full of dirt, but there are no food residues.

Fu Sheng glanced at it, but couldn't find it, and didn't look for it again.


The recognition rate reached 30%.



this day,

Fusheng came out of Buzhuang as usual,

She carried a roast chicken and half a catty of rice and walked into the field.

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