The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1063 I Marry You (11)


"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.


Do you think she is giving alms?

The man breathed heavily, staring at her, clenched his fists,

Like an enraged beast,

In the next second, she will be torn apart.

The strong muscles of the body are tense, extremely explosive,

His whole body was filled with strong hormonal aura, full of coldness.

Fu Sheng looked at him fixedly.

at last,

She sighed lightly, and seemed to smile helplessly,

next second,

She stood on tiptoe, hugged him suddenly, and kissed him,

His muscles are hard and covered with sweat,

Fu Sheng didn't dislike him either, hugged his neck and kissed him lightly,

"Song Zhao, there is no charity."

"I'm nice to you because I like you."

She said in a low voice.

"..." The man froze instantly.

Fu Sheng looked at him with clear eyes,

"I thought I'd made it obvious."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that my behavior made you think it would be charity, so I'll change it later, okay?"

She coaxed him patiently.


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【Total approval rate: 45%】




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[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval: 50%】


Song Zhao's body became extremely stiff.

He suddenly let go of his clenched fist, his face flushed faintly,

He has dark skin, so it can't be seen on the surface,

It's just that there was a faint panic in his eyes, and he didn't dare to look at her.

He wanted to push her away,

But the little girl is very soft and fragrant,

His hand accidentally touched it, and it bounced away like an electric shock, and shrank behind him.

The slightly dry lips moved, whispered, and tensed.

Fu Sheng looked around,

No one around.

She tiptoed and kissed again,

"Song Zhao, I like you."

"I like it very much, so it's not a charity, you understand?"

She touched his face gently.

"..." The man's ears turned red.

It's black and red, it's too hot.

His heart was beating extremely fast, thumping, as if about to explode,

His face was bloodshot, his eyes dodged, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

The whole person was cramped and completely at a loss.

The girl's body is fragrant and soft,

Lips are like nectar, so sweet,

Obviously just a touch,

But he was in chaos and lost himself completely.


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[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval rate: 55%】



Fu Sheng looked at him for a while,

Probably because she knew he was shy, so she wasn't too enthusiastic,

His eyebrows curved into a smile, and he backed away.

The man's hand subconsciously wanted to hold her,

After stretching out halfway,

Only then did he realize his clumsy movements,

His face turned red, and he wanted to shrink back.

next second,

The girl saw it and hugged her again.

She grabbed his hand and put him on her waist.

Then he hugged obediently and leaned into his arms.

Although it smells like sweat,

But she still hugged and rubbed affectionately.

"Song Zhao, after a while, I will tell my mother that I want to marry you."

"When the time comes, you will marry me, okay?"

"I can deliver meals to you every day, and then you won't have to go hungry."

"..." The man's chest rose and fell quickly.

He was a little flustered, his heart was beating extremely fast,

The whole person is like a crab that has been boiled, and its body temperature is very hot.

The hand was also placed on her waist stiffly, loosely, not daring to use force,

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