The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1064 I Marry You (12)


Reason tells him that this emotion is very strong,

Like a tender bud that broke out of the ground, it grew into a towering tree in an instant, taking root deeply.


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Fu Sheng hugged him quietly for a while.

The hand on her waist was always loose, there was no force, and it was still very stiff.

Fusheng blinked, thinking of the roast chicken she brought, she stood up straight, took his hand,

"Okay, this is not charity."

"This is a meal from your fiancee."

She said softly.

The man was stiff and didn't move, and sat down following her slightly forceful movements.

Fu Sheng was sitting next to him, and unwrapped the oil paper wrapping the roast chicken for him,

Inside, the steaming scent was released instantly, and the aroma was overflowing.

Fu Sheng also took out the rice wrapped in lotus leaves and stuffed it into his arms.

"Eat, don't starve."

Song Zhao stared at her blankly.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, pouted his mouth, and leaned over to kiss him again,

"Do you want to eat?"


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The man lowered his head in a panic and picked up the chopsticks.

His dark face was flushed red, and his breath was a little messy,

His eyes dodged, shy and nervous.

Fearing that he would choke, Fu Sheng gave him the water bottle,

"Drink water first? Moisturize your throat before eating."

The man blushed as he did.

A tall and strong man reacted like a little daughter-in-law when he was kissed.

Fu Sheng couldn't help smiling.


Song Zhao finished the roast chicken and rice she brought,

Fu Sheng took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

The man lowered his head, not daring to move.

Blushing, very quiet.

After Fu Sheng wiped it for him, he put away the handkerchief,

She kissed him again, very tenderly,

"Song Zhao, I'm leaving, and I'll bring you food tomorrow, okay?"

"..." The man's eyes trembled.

Fu Sheng smiled and stood up.

Turning around and about to leave, she suddenly turned around and whispered softly in his ear,

"It's not a charity, it's a fiancée, do you know?"


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The man pursed his lips and held his hands nervously,

Obviously still a little at a loss.

Fusheng didn't tease him either, and left with a smile in a good mood.


She is still the cutest big baby,

No matter what, you can poke her cuteness.


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【Total approval rate: 63%】




Fusheng heard his mother tell about Liu Dian.

He hit a tree and broke three ribs,

Now lying on the bed, complaining endlessly.

The Liu family was not rich at all, and Liu's father was still a gambler.

This time, the Liu family was even worse off.

There was no expression on Fu Sheng's face,

But my heart felt weak.

She seems to be kicking too hard...

Fortunately, no one saw it.

The little girl felt guilty for a moment, but then became confident again.

Anyway, he was in the way, no wonder she.



the next day,

Fu Sheng went to deliver food to Song Zhao as usual.

she does not know,

Her daily behavior has gradually attracted criticism.

After all, almost everyone in the village knows each other.

Fusheng, a big girl with yellow flowers, delivers meals to a man at a fixed time every day.

This kind of love affair can spread quickly in a conservative village.

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