The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1065 I Marry You (13)



Jiang Ying also knew about it.

She kept silent on the surface, choosing to trust her daughter,

But secretly, she has been watching her secretly.

Fusheng did not shy away from it. Every day when it was meal time, he would go out with an umbrella.

She didn't seem to want to hide it at all.

Being generous, he naturally wanted to deliver food to Song Zhao.

Jiang Ying endured it for a while, and finally couldn't help it anymore,

At night, she took Fusheng and asked carefully.

Fu Sheng also happened to be about to tell her about it, so he confessed.

Compared with Liu Dian before,

Jiang Ying's impression of Song Zhao had only changed a little bit.

And that little bit is limited to... Song Zhao is very capable.

Although Song Zhao is a mute, and hardly interacts with the villagers,

But everyone also knows that he is very capable.

Not only the farm work and crops are grown well, but hunting in the mountains is also easy.

Someone saw him carrying a big wild boar down from the mountain before, skinning it and selling it in the market.

Not blushing, not out of breath, relaxed.

Since then,

Song Zhao's strong reputation spread.

despite this,

The girls in the village were still unwilling to marry him,

One because of that ugly scar on his face,

The second reason is that he is dumb, as bored as a piece of wood, completely ignoring people.

The big black dog next to him is also big and black, with bared teeth, very scary.

In addition, the condition of his family is not very good, and the location where he lives is remote,

So even the matchmaker didn't bother to talk to him.

Although Jiang Ying didn't know him very well, she was also secretly displeased.

After all, my daughter has been pampered and pampered since she was a child.

If she married in the past, wouldn't she have to live a hard life?

She tried her best to persuade Fusheng.

Fu Sheng didn't push her too hard, and with a smile on her face, she obediently responded,

But at noon the next day,

She ran out with an umbrella again.

The look of his heart and mind is obviously more caring than the previous Liu Dian.

When Jiang Ying didn't pay attention, she disappeared.

at last,

She gritted her teeth and followed up.

She wants to see

What is this so-called Song Zhao like?



Fu Sheng bought wontons and five big meat buns on the way.

Thinking about the food intake of my own man,

She bought another catty of mung bean cakes and a pot of sugar water.

After buying everything,

She walked slowly along the road.

From time to time, she stopped in her footsteps, glanced behind her seemingly unintentionally,

Then, she continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

a quarter of an hour later,

The vast fields have arrived.

From a distance, Fusheng could see the figure of the man at the farthest corner.

He is still weeding today and preparing seedlings,

What is rare is that he is not shirtless,

Instead, he wore a piece of clothing, which looked a little new in color.

Fu Sheng blinked, and walked over holding an umbrella.

"Song Zhao~"

she cried softly.

The man with his back to her paused.

He turned around quickly, glanced at her, and quickly moved away, seeming a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Fu Sheng curved his eyes.

She put down her umbrella and walked to the other side.

After putting the thing in her hand on the ground, she stretched out her hand, facing him very gently,

"Song Zhao, come here."


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Song Zhao felt that he must be crazy,

As soon as she stretched out her hand, he walked over like a pug irresistibly.

Seeing the gentle smile on her face, his face slowly turned red,

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