The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1067 I Marry You (15)


But the strength of holding her has become stronger and stronger, even to the point of imprisonment.

Fu Sheng blinked, couldn't help but bend his eyes,

She hugged him and held him close.


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【Total approval rate: 69%】



"What are you doing!?"

Jiang Ying's scolding sounded suddenly beside the bushes.

for a moment,

The fiery atmosphere between the two stagnated.

Fu Sheng felt the confinement around his waist loosen.

The man seemed flustered.

He wanted to push her away, but he was afraid that she would get angry,

So he just stood helplessly and looked behind her.

Fu Sheng turned around.

I saw that Jiang Ying's face was extremely ugly,

Even trembling with anger.

In a conservative village,

Unmarried women are not allowed to have intimate contact with men,

Even if it's just a hug, it can be considered a slut and can't be casual.

Jiang Ying thought her daughter was sensible and obedient,

But unexpectedly, she...!

To be able to do such a thing!

Jiang Ying made a gesture to come up and pull her.

How could Fu Sheng let go of this good opportunity?

She hid directly behind Song Zhao,

"Mother, my daughter is already Song Zhao's."

"I want to marry him."

Jiang Ying's face turned pale in an instant, and became even uglier in an instant, "You—"

Song Zhao was also stunned.


Afraid that he would not cooperate, Fu Sheng whispered threats in his ear,

"Song Zhao, if you want me to marry you, just give me the default."

She tugged at the hem of his clothes.

"..." The man didn't move.

He didn't understand what she meant, so he didn't refute.

Song Zhao looked at Jiang Ying's extremely ugly face, was quiet for a while, bowed his head,

He probably knew that what he did was wrong.


He didn't want to let her go.

The man subconsciously wanted to protect Fusheng.

This move was an acquiescence to Fusheng's words.

Jiang Ying was instantly furious, staggered a few steps,

"Wang Sheng, you are trying to piss me off!!"

She stepped forward to slap her.


Song Zhao blocked her all at once.

He couldn't speak, so he could only stubbornly block it,

Tall and solid body as solid as a rock,

It seemed that he was very strong and punched like thunder.

Jiang Ying didn't dare to hit her right away.

She sneered, as if she was extremely dissatisfied with him,

"Don't think that if Xiaosheng gave her body to you, our family will be in the opposite direction. At worst, she will never marry in this life!"


She pulled Fu Sheng over and led her away.

As Fu Sheng followed, he turned his head and gestured for him to feel at ease.

Song Zhao clenched his fist slightly, stared at her, pursed his lips in silence.

Just now the faint touch on the lips is still there,


Do you really want to marry him?

The man was at a loss.


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【Total approval: 70%】



After going back,

Before Fu Sheng could explain, Jiang Ying grounded her.

She seemed to be so angry for the first time, even more angry than when she saw Liu Dian.

As a traditional woman, what she cares most about is chastity,

After the death of her husband, she did not remarry because she wanted to be faithful and set up a memorial archway.

And she kept the rules all her life, but was broken by her daughter,

Even on a big scale, it's a shame, it should be soaked in a pig cage.

Jiang Ying couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Fu Sheng didn't have a chance to explain, and he wasn't in a hurry.

Stay at home calmly, eat and drink.

Even if he was grounded, he didn't cry, make trouble, or hang himself.

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