The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1068 I Marry You (16)


[...Madam, you have become a chicken thief. 】

Tuanzi found that she was becoming more and more like an adult.

When it's time to play smart, you can really play people around.

Fu Sheng drank tea slowly,

"Don't worry, there is another move later."

The next move is called...

Go straight to Huanglong.

The little girl smiled.



On the first day of being grounded,

All is well.

next morning,

When Jiang Ying opened the door early in the morning, she saw Song Zhao waiting outside.

With a bag in his hand, he stood there sullenly,

When he saw her, he opened the bag awkwardly and handed it to her.

Jiang Ying lost face when she saw him, and was about to close the door.

In no mood,

Suddenly there was a sound of vomiting.

Jiang Ying turned around,

Fusheng bent over and vomited.

His face was pale, and his body was crumbling.

Song Zhao's face changed all of a sudden, he rushed in and hugged her.

"Song Zhao, let me go!"

Jiang Ying's complexion became even worse.

She walked over quickly.

Just as she was about to scold him, Fusheng seemed to feel even more uncomfortable, so she vomited again.

Jiang Ying immediately became nervous, "Xiao Sheng? What's wrong with you? Where are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Fu Sheng shook his head, opened his mouth, expressing that he was speechless,

She leaned against Song Zhao, her face was extremely pale.

Jiang Ying panicked now,

"Xiao Sheng, I'll go to the doctor, don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay."

As soon as the voice fell,

Song Zhao was about to pick her up.

Fu Sheng immediately held him down calmly.

Song Zhao was slightly taken aback.

When the doctor came in a hurry, he felt the pulse of Fu Sheng,

His face changed slightly, and he pulled Jiang Ying aside,

"Aunt Wang, your daughter...isn't married yet?"

Jiang Ying froze, "Yes... yes, what's the problem?"

The doctor seemed a little unspeakable,

"Your daughter... is pregnant."

Jiang Ying was startled and was about to faint instantly.

The doctor hurriedly supported her,

"Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang, don't worry about getting angry."

Jiang Ying's face was pale, "How can you be relieved?!"

Her body was trembling with anger, and she was about to cry.

The face of the old Wang's family is about to be lost to her! !

After all, the doctor was kind enough to remind her,

"Aunt Wang, the most urgent thing is to get your daughter married off as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be ugly if you have a big belly."

Once the people in the village know about this, they will definitely see it as a joke.

At that time, the Wang family's face will be completely lost.

Jiang Ying's face was pale, her body was crumbling,

at last,

When sending the doctor away, she still stuffed a bag of silver as a hush money.

in the room,

Fusheng looked at Song Zhao with a smile, held his hand, and said softly,

"Why did you come here suddenly? Did you miss me?"

Song Zhao's face turned red again.

He glanced at her, then avoided like an electric shock,

The tall and strong body is slightly bent, and the hands are tightening unconsciously.

Fu Sheng blinked and looked at him.

The man suddenly remembered something, eagerly took out the bag he brought, and handed it to her,

This is what he prepared after a busy night,

But Jiang Ying didn't look at it,

He wants to give it to her.

Song Zhao looked at her, a little nervous.

Fu Sheng took it.

bag opened,

Inside, is a large bag of gold.

Golden and full of weight.

Fu Sheng paused and opened his eyes slightly.

The man carefully handed her the note again,

On it, written crookedly,

"This is, for you, gift money."

A few times was crossed next to the gift money, probably because the man wanted to write the dowry gift, but he didn't know how to write the word "engagement", so he changed it to gold in desperation.

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