The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1071 I Marry You (19)


Obviously she has tried very hard to treat him well,

But he will always be like this, when he is angry, he will be cold-faced,

I never take the initiative to ask her, I only think about it myself,

She likes him, so don't care about these things,

but occasionally,

She will be wronged too...

Fusheng lowered her head, her eyes were reddish, and she remained silent.

happy day,

Two people,

Completely started the cold war.



When the guests from the village leave,

The courtyard suddenly became deserted.

Song Zhao was cleaning the yard silently by himself.

His big black dog sits quietly and helps fetch things from time to time.

In the orange dusk,

The remote house fell into a dead silence.

Facing the mirror, Fu Sheng picked off the red temple flowers,

The face was faint, without the smile of the past.

When the eyes touched the red string in the hand,

She paused slightly, her eyes calm.

Obviously I have already dealt with my emotions, but seeing it, I still feel unavoidable,

She kind of wants to cry.

Fu Sheng's eye sockets turned slightly red.

at last,

She wiped the tiny tears from the corners of her eyes, and washed her face as if nothing had happened.

at dinner time,

Song Zhao cooked a large bowl of chicken soup, pork, and vegetables.

This is already a very rich dinner in the village.

After all, not every household can eat meat.

There are many families who can only eat meat during the Chinese New Year.

Fusheng is in a bad mood, so she has no appetite.

He lowered his head and ate a few mouthfuls quietly, then never moved again.

She put down her chopsticks and said softly,

"I'm going to pack my things first, and I'll do the dishes later."

"..." Song Zhao paused for a while.

Seeing that she had nearly half of the rice soup left, he frowned slightly,

but in the end,

He lowered his eyes and said nothing.

The big black dog sat on the ground and looked at the two of them with his head slightly tilted, as if he didn't understand.

After speaking,

Fu Sheng got up and went back to the house.

She packed up the clothes she brought and neatly folded them in the big box,

He also took off the beautiful bright red skirt, and put on a thick skirt that can work.

Fusheng simply tied her hair in a bun,

I packed my things and was about to go out,

As soon as the door was opened, Song Zhao stood there, subconsciously hiding something in his hands.

Fu Sheng paused,

She didn't speak, walked around him and left the house.

Song Zhao stood, slightly silent.

In his hand, he slowly clenched his fist.


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Fusheng was about to collect the bowl,

It turned out that there were no bowls and chopsticks on the table, and they were clean.

Song Zhao has obviously washed himself.

She stood there silently for a while without speaking,

at last,

She slowly sat down on the stool and took a sip of water.


The big black dog sat on the ground with an iron chain around its neck, staring at her.

He was a big, black, and very strong and agile dog,

In the past, it was never chained,

Today, perhaps because I am afraid that it will hurt people,

So Song Zhao tied it up.

Fusheng didn't notice it at first, but only looked over after hearing its cry.

After meeting its eyes,

The big black dog probably knew that she was one of his own, so he let out a "bark" and got down.

It seems inexplicably obedient.

Fu Sheng blinked,

I've heard it's terrible before.

Looking at it this seems quite obedient?

Fusheng thought for a while, walked up to it, and slowly squatted down.

The big black dog looked at her, flicked its tail behind it,

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