The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1072 I Marry You (20)


It didn't call.

It spread its body, lying on the ground, its eyes are very clear,

With his head resting on his forelegs, he looked at her, as if he was trying to be good.

Fusheng blinked her eyes, tentatively, stretched out her hand, and touched its head,

The big black dog didn't respond, and remained on its stomach.

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew his hand.

She was a little worried before that it didn't like her.

I just retracted my hand,

Fusheng was suddenly picked up by Jiu Tengkong and carried away by Song Zhao.

She was taken aback.

Song Zhao seemed to panic for a moment, hugged her, and kept away from the dog.

When he put her down, he quickly grabbed her hand and took a closer look,

It wasn't until he was sure that there were no wounds on her white and tender hands that he seemed to be relieved, his brows and eyes slightly stretched.

Fu Sheng blinked at him.

Probably aware of my own gaffe,

Song Zhao let go of her hand all of a sudden, his expression turned cold,

He pursed his lips, retracted his hands, and said nothing,

Wanting to turn his back on her, seemed still angry.

Fu Sheng was slightly silent.

She didn't say anything, turned around and entered the house.

Song Zhao stood where he was, stretched out his hand subconsciously,

He pursed his lips, his black eyes darkened slightly,

My heart is sour, empty, and wronged.

The tall man lowered his eyes slowly and clenched his fists.

Standing alone in the yard, the figure is lonely.


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【Total approval rate: 75%】




Fusheng took a bath and was ready to go to bed.

Song Zhao's room is not very big, only some simple utensils,

Many of them were purchased because of marriage, and the utensils are still very new.

The bed is on the earth kang, it is very big,

In winter, you can burn charcoal under the soil kang to keep warm, and in summer, it is also very cool.

It was the first time for Fusheng to sleep on this kind of bed, and when she got into bed, she looked at the bottom curiously.

Song Zhao quickly took a bath,

When he walked in, he saw the person on the bed and fixed his eyes for a moment.

After watching for a while,

He pursed his lips and closed the door quietly.

The bolt on the door frame snapped shut.

Fu Sheng looked at him upon hearing the sound.

She paused, didn't speak, and fell asleep in it consciously.

Because the bed is big, it is more than enough to sleep two people,

She didn't want to be next to him, and lay in the innermost part.

Put on the quilt, face the wall directly, and fell asleep.

Complete indifference.

this day,

She didn't talk to him much,

It's not like in the past, clinging to him, like kissing him.

Song Zhao clenched his fist slightly.

He felt wronged and at a loss,

Like a child who can't find a home, at a loss and in a panic.

The man pursed his lips and went to bed in silence.

when lying down,

There was a long distance between the two, and even the quilt was separated.

He looked at her, narrowing his eyes slightly, silent and lost.


He has fulfilled her wish,

If he marries her, the child in her womb will be born in a legitimate way.


After using him, can he be thrown away like this?

The man turned sideways, facing her, staring silently.


Everything she said before was a lie, right?

The man has obvious sadness on his face,

A dull and dull man by nature, unable to speak or express his emotions,

His heart was sore and aching and empty,

It was as if a piece had been dug open, and the dull pain was abnormal.

Unconsciously curled up, like an insecure child, silent, shrunk aside.


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