The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1073 I Marry You (21)


【Total approval rate: 78%】

"..." Fu Sheng opened his eyes, not feeling sleepy at all.

She looked at the wall, motionless, indifferent.

She knows it's not good to be angry, it will hurt feelings,

But she was inexplicably angry,

Angry that he is like this every time, for no reason, without asking her a word, he will start to get angry.

He doesn't believe her, he always makes up his own mind,

As long as she doesn't take the initiative to explain and coax him,

It will always be like this between the two people, and the cold war will continue.

She believes in him, and will patiently ask him about things when encountering problems.

But he is like this every time, with a cold face,

Why can't he take the initiative to ask her once instead of being angry forever?

Fu Sheng's eyes were slightly red, feeling extremely wronged.

He doesn't believe her, doesn't ask,

I would rather not ask about the cold war,

Then it's better to be cold,

Anyway, she stopped coaxing!

Just don't coax!

It was the first time for a girl with a good personality to lose her temper like this.

It was vexatious, but she was just mad.

She closed her eyes angrily and went to sleep.

The body was motionless, and it was extremely quiet.


Song Zhao has been looking at her with dim eyes.

He is like a log, very silent and dull.

Can't express anything, just watch secretly,

at last,

When the sound of the girl's even breathing came,

He lowered his eyes, concealing his disappointment and self-mockery.

He's just a tool

When it's used up, it should be thrown away.

He should have thought a long time ago, how could anyone like his appearance?

The man grinned and smiled silently,

Bleak and sad.

at last,

He shrank silently, looked at her,

One night, no sleep.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 79%】



The next morning.

When Fusheng woke up,

Song Zhao is no longer on the bed.

His quilt was neatly folded and placed aside, very neat.

Fusheng sat on the bed for a while, then slowly got out of bed.

Song Zhao has no parents, so she doesn't need to get up early in the morning to serve tea,

However, as a newlywed, she still has to get up and do housework.

Fu Sheng changed into a rough sarong, put her hair in a bun, and left the room.

just opened the door,

She was taken aback for a moment and froze.

The yard is clean and completely free of rubbish.

The clothes I changed last night have been washed and hung up to dry.

The broom was placed in a corner, and all kinds of furniture were neatly arranged.

The dining table is covered with a bamboo woven cover to prevent mosquitoes,

Inside, there is a faint fragrance of porridge.

Fu Sheng blinked, in disbelief,

Song Zhao... so capable?

This is simply the snail girl...

She went to the dining table, lifted the bamboo cover,

Sure enough, there was a large pot of meat porridge inside, with a clean bowl and chopsticks beside it.

The portion of meat is generous, still steaming hot, full of fragrance.

Fusheng didn't eat much last night, she was already starving,

She rubbed her stomach and sat down.

Song Zhao's craftsmanship is actually very good, and he is also very careful.

He made fish porridge and removed all the thorns, leaving only tender meat.

Eating fish porridge early in the morning is simply too appetizing,

Fu Sheng ate three bowls, and didn't put down the bowls until she was so full that she hiccupped.

I am full,

She rubbed her stomach and hiccupped constantly,

The little face is ruddy, but the blood is very good.

The little girl who is full of food and drink is looking around with round eyes,

She was thinking about what housework she should do today.

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