The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1074 I Marry You (22)


in the village,

Newlyweds always have to do things, otherwise, they will be regarded as lazy women by their in-laws and husbands.

Fusheng circled around and couldn't find anything to do.

Except for washing the bowls she just ate, Song Zhao has already done everything else.

Fusheng had no choice but to wash the dishes.

at last,

wash, wash,

She suddenly stopped, staring at the ingredients in the kitchen, slightly dazed.

She remembered that yesterday, there were not so many things here.

Song Zhao’s kitchen is actually not big.

Before, even crudely,

There is nothing but a pot,

Apparently, he had been living a casual life before.

But when we got married yesterday, it was obvious that the place had been refurbished, and there were many more pots and pans, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.


On the cabinet where the ingredients are placed,

There are lots of fresh veggies, as well as meat.

Pork, chicken, duck, and fish raised in a big pot,

Fu Sheng pursed her lips slightly and remained silent.

She washed the dishes and put them away.

At the bottom of the cupboard,

There are more than a dozen bulging small bags neatly placed side by side, and the inside smells faintly of traditional Chinese medicine.

Fu Sheng blinked, and slowly squatted down,

She tentatively reached out and opened a small bag,

Inside, there are pieces of light yellow astragalus.

She seemed to think of something, and her eyes trembled.

The bag on the side was opened, and it was a small dried perilla.

Fusheng opened all the rest,

Astragalus, Atractylodes macrocephala, ramie root, skullcap, medlar, perilla, amomum, dodder, Dipsacus, Eucommia, mulberry, cornus, codonopsis, yam, cohosh...

all of them……

Prenatal care.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

next second,

Her eye sockets were instantly red, and her pupils were shattered.


He is really trying to support her...

Even if he knew that she was not pregnant with his child, he kept silent and cared for her silently.

He is so jealous,

In the end, but...

Fu Sheng's heart softened instantly.

She sniffed, holding back tears,

Slowly tie the bag shut.

She was angry that he couldn't speak, couldn't ask,

But he's always been like this,

Always stay silent and take care of her meticulously.

Even if you are angry and cold war, you have to cook for her and do everything well.

After all,

He was angry, but while he was angry, he was waiting for her to coax him.

Only at this point is he wayward like a child.

Fu Sheng rubbed his red eyes and remained silent.

at last,

She burst out laughing, seemingly relieved,

Maybe she was too hypocritical,

So I started counting these.

After all,

He can't speak, so she can only speak first and walk down the steps.


been cold,

Neither of them will be in a good mood.

Fu Sheng sighed softly and stood up.

She looked at the ingredients on the chopping board, and planned to cook for lunch and send it to him.

By the way, explain to him about the fake pregnancy.

"Duanzi, I need a cookbook."

【Received, here we come~】

Fu Sheng raised his sleeves, revealing his white and slender arms.

The top is already a little red, probably worn by the rough sarong.

Fu Sheng didn't care, picked some vegetables and took them to the sink to wash.

The yard is very quiet,

Only the sound of her washing dishes remained.

The little girl figured it out, she didn't hesitate anymore, she was busy cooking,

She always thought that she could cook for him,

Now it's finally possible.

【... Ma'am, be careful, don't cut your hands. 】

Tuanzi looked terrified.

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