The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1080 (28) (I want to go back to kindergarten for further studies)


"Xiao Hei is awesome, I will give you another big chicken leg when I go back."


It wagged its tail and let out a cry of excitement.


Fu Sheng left in a good mood,

A big task can be delivered halfway, so lucky!




Fusheng kept his promise, and when eating, he put the big chicken legs in the bowl into the dog bowl,

The big black dog flicked its tail and ate quietly.

When Song Zhao looked over,

The big black dog barked "Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof" as if reporting work.

It flicks its tail and barks very fast,

Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, looked at it, and then at Song Zhao.

One person and one dog...

Can't communicate?

Just as she was thinking, Song Zhao suddenly looked at her, frowning slightly,

He put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand and stared at her, as if waiting for her to speak first.

Fu Sheng fell silent.

Why does she have the feeling that Xiao Hei is complaining.

"...Song Zhao, on the way back just now, a man stopped me."

She confessed obediently, "He wanted to molested me, but Xiao Hei was great, he protected me and drove him away."

"Wow!" Xiao Hei called out at the right time.

Song Zhao's expression sank, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and looked around with her in his arms.

Fu Sheng was afraid that he might misunderstand, so he quickly explained, "He didn't touch me, Xiao Hei was already blocking me."

Song Zhao stopped silently.

He hugged her, his dark eyes were gloomy.


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【Total approval rate: 86%】



Xiao Hei, who became a great hero, was rewarded with a big roast chicken that night.

Song Zhao patted it on the head, but said nothing,

But Xiao Hei was obviously very excited and started running around in the yard.

Song Zhao looked at it for a few seconds, then got up and went back to the house.


Fu Sheng had just taken a shower, her body was damp, and her hair was half wet and half dry, hanging on her shoulders.

With her bare feet, she sat on the edge of the bed, slowly wiping her hair,

The plain white and beautiful little face was flushed, very pure and clean.

After Song Zhao took a shower, when he walked in, he closed the door smoothly.


He quickly undressed, went to bed, and hugged her, silent and quiet.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, rubbed his head with a smile, his tone was soft,

"Are you still angry? Didn't you already say that that hooligan didn't touch me."

"..." The man lowered his eyes and pursed his lips.

He was angry, not this.


He hugged her tightly.

Fusheng looked at him, like a big monster, her whole body bent, hugging her tightly.

He is tall, nearly 1.95 meters, with strong arms and shoulders,

The whole person seems to be made of stone, heavy and hard,

Every time Fusheng was hugged by him, he felt like a child, being held in his arms easily.

He hugged him tightly, his hard muscles were always a little tight,

Fusheng was not used to it at the beginning, but later on, she has gradually gotten used to it.

She reached out and touched his face, and kissed him again, with a helpless tone,

"Okay, it's okay, let's forget about it, okay?"

Song Zhao stared at her quietly.

at last,

He let go of her silently, turned around and blew out the candles in the room.

The room suddenly went dark.



The rule of adding rewards is tentatively two 1888 plus one update, right?

Ten thousand rewards plus three changes.

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