The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1081 I Marry You (29)


It was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

a quarter of an hour later,

Inside the house, there was an ambiguous sound.


Xiao Hei happily ate the big roast chicken, flicking his tail.


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the second day,

Fusheng didn't wake up until it was close to noon.

She rubbed her waist and lay in a daze for a while on the bed before slowly getting up.

groom, change clothes,

When he packed himself up and left the house, Xiao Hei was already lying on his stomach quietly, waiting for her.

Since she got married,

Song Zhao hardly took it out again.

Instead, he left it at home, took care of the house, and protected her.

Fusheng didn't know how powerful it was,

But just looking at its size alone, it must not be underestimated.


It is also very obedient, not too barking,

When I have nothing to do, I lie lazily on the ground and bask in the sun.

Extremely peace of mind.

Fusheng walked over, knelt down, and stroked its head,

The big black dog barked in response.

Fu Sheng smiled,

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Let's go, let's deliver food to Song Zhao."

"Wow!" The big black dog barked again.

Fusheng got up and went into the kitchen.

Song Zhao always prepares lunch in advance before going out every day.

So she just needs a little heat.

Fusheng moved quickly and put the food into the food box.

On the side, the big black dog watched quietly, flicking its tail.

out the door,

As usual, Fu Sheng walked into the field holding an umbrella,

When I met villagers on the road, they all greeted them with smiles and were very friendly.

Everyone knows that although she is Song Zhao's wife, she has a very good personality, unlike Song Zhao, who keeps a stern face all day long and ignores people when she sees her.

So in private,

People often say that the old Wang's family married Shui Lingling's daughter wrongly.

Married to a dull piece of wood.

Fusheng didn't care what they said in private, and continued to deliver meals to Song Zhao every day.

She doesn't have much work to do every day,

There is nothing else to do except delivering food and washing dishes.

Although Song Zhao has a wooden personality, he is very capable.

Not only do things carefully, but also seriously,

He does all the dirty work in the house, and he keeps the house in good order.

Fusheng couldn't help, so he sat obediently and tried not to mess up the house.

In addition to this, it is to deliver meals to him every day.

Fusheng walked along the path,

Soon, we arrived in the field.

When farming is busy,

The men are exposed to the sun almost every day, preparing for various farming tasks.

Cultivating land, fertilizing, sowing, protecting against cold, freezing, weeding... etc. are all physical labor.

The women spin at home, do housework, raise pigs and ducks, etc., with a clear division of labor.

When Fusheng saw Song Zhao from a distance,

He is hunched over, planting seeds bit by bit.

He is tall, which also caused him to have to bend a lot to get to the ground.

The entire back was exposed to the sun, and it was tanned and red, and there were faint traces of sunburn.

As if he didn't feel the pain, he continued to bend down, moving quickly.

Fu Sheng was often worried that he would not be able to hold on and would faint due to heat stroke.

After all, it has been basking in the sun for a whole day without any shelter, and even the ground is scalding hot, let alone human beings?

Standing on the path in the field, she called softly,

"Song Zhao, come here."

The man in the field looked over for a moment.

Seeing her, he immediately ran over, panting slightly. .

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