The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1084 I Marry You (32)


【Total approval rate: 88%】

Song Zhao stared at her with dark eyes, frighteningly cold.

He held her waist tightly, not knowing what was on his mind.

at last,

He pressed her head and kissed her.

Ferocious exception.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, but didn't move, and patted his back lightly to comfort him.


Xiao Hei regained his vitality.

Lively and vigorously, nothing happened at all.

Come to think of it, Liu Dian gave it cartilage powder.

Liu Dian was beaten, but he didn't dare to ask for an explanation.

Probably because he knew that he was wronged, so he didn't dare to show up in desperation.


that night,

Song Zhao went out and came back very late.

Fu Sheng originally wanted to wait for him to sleep together,

But waiting and waiting, she was so sleepy that she fell asleep in a daze.

dimly conscious,

She felt herself being hugged tightly by the familiar breath again, very tightly.

She murmured something in a low voice and fell asleep again.

The slender body was held in the arms of a strong man, unable to move at all.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 89%】



The next morning.

When Fusheng woke up in the morning, Song Zhao rarely lay beside her and did not go out to work.

He slept deeply and breathed heavily,

Even so, his arms were still holding her tightly, as if it had become a habit.

Fusheng lay on his chest, blinking at him.

Thinking of his going out last night,

She was quiet for a moment, and suddenly had a bad premonition,

Her big baby...

You won't kill that person, will you?

Fu Sheng silently lit a candle for him in her heart.

Lying in Song Zhao's arms in a daze for a while,

She stood up cautiously, trying to get out of bed.

next second,

Probably aware of her intentions, the man covered her body and directly pressed her down.

Almost his whole body was on top of her.

Fu Sheng's face froze, feeling that her chest was going to be flattened.

I can't even breathe.


Song Zhao soon lay on his side, got off her body, and hugged her tightly again.

Fusheng didn't dare to move anymore, for fear that he would press on him again and he would be out of breath.

Her waist was held again, and she couldn't get up,

She had no choice but to lie quietly and wait for him to wake up.



at noon,

Song Zhao finally woke up.

He clings to her and mumbles on the bed for a while before reluctantly getting up.

It seemed that he didn't care about what happened yesterday, and he returned to his original happy appearance.

I didn't go to work today, but stayed at home and rested with her.

When it's time to cook lunch,

Song Zhao entered the kitchen and started to light a fire.

Fu Sheng is in charge of feeding Xiao Hei.

The two of them divide the labor and cooperate, but they are also harmonious.


Tuanzi cried out in shock as if he had discovered something important.

【Husband... Mrs. Husband... Liu Dian is dead...】

Fu Sheng paused, "Huh?"

[He...he...was found dead this morning. 】

[It was... killed by snake poison. 】

"...What poison?"

[Bungare snake venom...]

Fu Sheng: "..."

so poisonous?

She looked towards the kitchen.

Is... he did it?

Fu Sheng frowned slightly.

Anyway, it's a life...

She thought that he was going to beat him secretly,

Unexpectedly, he became murderous.

Fu Sheng pursed his lips,

In the end, she sighed, pretending that she didn't know anything, and didn't mention it again. .

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