The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1085 I'll Marry You (33)


He was easy to think too much,

If she blamed him for it again,

At that time, he will definitely have a grudge in his heart.


Killing is still wrong.

Fu Sheng had to find a way to make him realize this in his heart.

【Madam, could it be... because of you, Fragments are so angry? 】

[Maybe he... cares about you too much? 】

"...That's why I can't blame him."

Fu Sheng was helpless.

He is good at every point, except that he likes to think too much, and he is easy to kill because of her.

She wondered if it would be the same in King's Landing,

But look now,

It's also possible.

King's Landing is a god and cannot be easily angered.

If there is a murderous intention, the consequences will be very serious.


Back then he only sealed Suli, but didn't kill him.

One of the reasons is because Suli is the only god below him,

Once a god is killed,

The order of heaven and earth has been seriously affected,

At that time, only the lives of the people will be ruined, and there will be countless casualties.


No matter how angry Jun Lin was, he couldn't kill him.

but now,

He has no scruples, so as soon as his bottom line is touched, he will...

Fusheng pressed his temples, feeling a little headache.

no way,

She can only try to avoid the opposite sex,

For their own good, but also for their own.



Liu Dian's death did not cause any uproar in the village.

After all, before, snakes did come in and bite people.

Coral snake is a venomous snake with a gentle personality and generally does not bite.

Probably because it was about to lay eggs, it strayed into the house and bit people.

There was only one son in the Liu family, and when the news of his death came out, Mother Liu fainted on the spot.

And the gambler Father Liu was still lying drunk in the casino, unconscious.

Fu Sheng learned about these things from others later.

His burial was also extremely random. He wrapped it in straw cloth and threw it directly into the pit without even a coffin.

Because Liu's father likes to gamble, the Liu family has long been too poor to get rid of the pot, and there is no money left.

So even if Mother Liu wanted to have a decent burial, she had no choice.

on the day of the burial,

She cried and passed out on the spot, heart-piercing, and her sanity was even a little unclear.

After all, Fusheng felt a little sorry, and secretly gave the money away.

After marrying Song Zhao,

She is in charge of the family's money.

She split some of the money and gave it away.

Song Zhao probably knew about it, but he didn't express it.

She didn't accuse him, and he didn't mention it again,

Both of them were silent, and they turned the matter over in a tacit understanding, choosing to forget it.

Days go by,

The young couple lived together, but they lived happily.

Although Jiang Ying was angry at the deception of the two of them,

But the uncooked rice had already been cooked, so no matter how angry she was, she couldn't say anything.

Occasionally, when I find time to watch Fu Sheng,

The couple were apparently very happy.

Although Song Zhao has always looked dull and dull,

But for my own daughter, it is obvious that she is extremely precious.

After getting married,

My daughter still looks like a water spirit, and she looks even more beautiful,

There are many smiles on the face, and the smile is sweet, even the brows are sweet.

It is said that the mother-in-law looks more satisfied with her son-in-law,

Although Jiang Ying didn't say anything, her attitude towards Song Zhao improved a lot.

During the holidays, I also sent a lot of things over.

Fu Sheng was also polite, accepted it with a smile, and took Song Zhao to thank him.

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