The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1086 I'll Marry You (End) (Recommendation ticket plus update)


Because Song Zhao has her, the villagers are more friendly to him, and they will meet each other while walking on the road.

Song Zhao was probably also happy,

At night, I always like to hold Fu Sheng, write slowly, and record my daily life.

He doesn't know many characters, and the handwriting is often crooked, which is not very beautiful.

He didn't care, and if he couldn't say it, he wrote it all on paper and showed it to Fu Sheng.

It's like a diary, and it's like a love letter written to her every day.

Fusheng often looked at it, her face turned red,

Then, I couldn't help laughing again.

When the young couple stay together, even the air is sweet.

Song Zhao always stared at her, then held her hand and smiled with curved lips.

When looking at Fu Sheng,

He was gentle all over, even the brows were warm.


For some reason, the recognition level never rose again.



Finally one day,

When Fu Sheng woke up in the morning.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +11%]

【Total approval: 100%】

She yawned and looked at the sleeping man beside her with his eyes closed.

As the age grows,

Men become more and more mature.

On the chin, there was a thin stubble, and there were faint wrinkles at the end of the narrow and slightly raised eyes.

He is slowly getting older, and slowly becoming more mature and charming.

Fusheng looked at him quietly, then touched his still smooth and delicate face,

Slowly, she smiled softly, very softly,

He took care of her all his life, and he was jealous all his life,



The woman with the same appearance leaned in his arms, hugged him slightly, and kissed him.

The tender white hand took him, and slowly clasped it,

There was a slight smile on his lips.

The man's long eyelashes trembled.

He hugged her subconsciously, and kissed her very familiarly, closing his eyes while kissing her gently.

The big palm also stretched in along the skirt.

Fu Sheng: "..."

There is one more bad thing,

It's just too energetic, bad review.


The man opened his eyes slightly, a dark purple glint flashed faintly in the dark pupils,

He stared at the woman in his arms and paused for a few seconds.

As if confirming something.

The eyebrows and eyes remain the same, but there is a strong and invisible oppression in the invisible.

It was like a god descending, cold and indifferent, yet noble and unparalleled.

Fu Sheng seemed to have sensed something, and looked up for a moment,

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, to get rid of the faint purple,

He slightly hooked his lips, slowly rubbing the hand covering her waist, with a gentle smile.

Fu Sheng blinked at him.

"Song... Zhao?"


King's Landing?

The man looked at her calmly.


He buried himself in her arms lazily, rubbing against her like a big cat.

The light dark purple faded away, leaving the dark eyes,

There was no expression on his face, but his slightly soft eyebrows and eyes showed that he was in a very happy mood.

Fusheng looked at him for a long time,

The man still looks the same, sticky,

The pupils are also black.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, always feeling...something was wrong.

She felt that the person in front of her was King's Landing,

But looking at his eyes and aura, it seemed to be... Song Zhao again.

Fu Sheng was not so sure.

But she didn't dare to mention Junlin's name in front of Song Zhao,

He gets jealous so easily, once he mentions it and starts to think too much, it's not good.

Fu Sheng was suspicious, but she wasn't too sure.

She called again, tentatively,

"Song Zhao?"

"..." The man looked up at her,

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