The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1089 The little lover who wants to hug (3)


An atmosphere of tension and excitement spread.

The elevator goes up layer by layer,

Finally, it stopped at the twentieth floor.


The elevator rang with a crisp sound.

The door opened slowly.

Fusheng was standing in the corner of the elevator, trying to teleport out while no one was paying attention.

In no mood,

The system's notification tone suddenly sounded,


[System refresh...]

[Fragment recognition: 0%]

【Total approval rate: 0%】

Fu Sheng: "...?!"

Her man came to prostitute! ?

The little girl who was about to slip away suddenly stopped moving.

"Tuanzi, where is he!?"

[emm... There is still a little distance from you, and you have to turn a few corners, you go ahead, and I will tell you when you get there. 】

Fu Sheng puffed her cheeks and followed the team.

This place does look like a clubhouse,

The corridors branched, like a maze.

Fusheng walked for a long time, but didn't see any door.

When Lin Zheng walked halfway, he stopped, turned around and counted the people,

"Two... four... six... eight... first ten people go in. The rest, wait outside."

Fu Sheng walked at the end and stayed naturally.

Lin Zheng continued to walk forward with the ten girls in front.


They turned a corner and were out of sight.

For the rest, Xiao Ling was watching them.

With a straight face, she asked them to stand in a row, not allowed to speak, not allowed to walk around.

Fu Sheng could have taken this opportunity to sneak away,

But because he was thinking of his own man, he stood obediently without moving.

take advantage of this time,

Fusheng lowered her head, pretending to be in a daze,

"Tuanzi, information."


[System refresh...]

[Plane information transmission...]

[Transmission successful. 】

The original owner, Lin Qiansheng, is eighteen years old and has just come of age.

The original owner was born in a very poor family,

After the mother gave birth to her, she ran away and disappeared.

Her father suffered from liver cancer when she was very young, and eventually passed away.

The original owner lost his parents and could only live with his grandmother.

Grandma is old and can't do physical work,

I can only pick up the junk every day, and then sell it to earn money to support the original owner.

The original owner was also very sensible since he was a child, and he studied very seriously. He often received scholarships to subsidize his family.

After graduating from high school, the original owner was admitted to the most excellent Yunnan University in China. Not only was the tuition fee waived, but he also received a full scholarship, which guaranteed his basic life.


Just when the original owner thought that a good day was coming,

Grandma suddenly fell ill.

Like the original owner's father, he was suffering from advanced liver cancer.

After being admitted to the hospital,

Although the condition can be alleviated, grandma's condition is still not optimistic.

In particular, medical expenses in intensive care units are extremely expensive,

It costs nearly 10,000 yuan a day,

The original owner didn't have that much money at all.

After looking for classmates to cobble together to borrow money, it can barely last for half a month.

The original owner had no choice but to work part-time and couldn’t earn that much money.

You can only find high-paying jobs.

By accident, she was spotted by the director of the garden club and signed.

The original owner has an excellent appearance, very suitable to be a young lady.

After asking a high price,

The original owner hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and agreed.

After getting the generous money, she immediately paid a month's medical expenses in advance to treat her grandma.


She abided by the content of the contract and came to the garden club at night to be a lady.

This is her first day here.


[Trigger hidden mission: I hope grandma can enjoy peace and happiness. 】

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