The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1090 A Little Lover To Hug (4)


"Didn't you say you want to be cured?"

【No. 】

【Probably... She also knows that liver cancer can't be cured at an advanced stage...】

[So she hopes that her grandma, who has been suffering all her life, can enjoy a happy life and enjoy her old age. 】

"..." Fu Sheng nodded, expressing his understanding.



After about twenty minutes,

Lin Zheng walked back from the other side of the corridor,

Of the ten girls who followed before, nine came back,

Only one was left.

Those who were not selected all lowered their heads and looked disappointed.

"The rest, follow me."

As he spoke, he gave Fu Sheng a disgusted look.

As if she was dressed very earthy.

Fu Sheng: "..."

She followed at the end again.

"Tuanzi, where is he?"

[It's getting closer. 】

【See that door over there? He is inside. 】

Fusheng tiptoed slightly.

Lin Zheng led them over.

Before pushing the door open, he looked at them with a low tone,

"After entering, how much money you can get is up to you."

"Remember, you must obey everything and don't be petty."

"Especially you."

He pointed at Fu Sheng, "Be honest with me."

"If you dare to beat the boss inside, see how I deal with you!"

"..." Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

Slowly wrapping the shawl tightly around her body, she lowered her head.

It looks very well-behaved.

After telling them, he turned and knocked on the door.



A rambling voice came, "Come in."

Lin Zheng quickly opened the door and let them in.

The light inside is very dark, only a faint light illuminates the center.

Under the dim light, everything became hazy and ambiguous.

The stereo plays comfortable music slowly, and the piano major makes the air a bit intoxicated.

The leisurely and peaceful environment silenced the girls who entered, and stood nervously.

Fu Sheng stood in the corner, squinting his eyes and looking ahead.

There is probably a soft sofa in front,

The sofa is huge, a bit like a bar counter,

Because the light is too dim,

In addition, Fusheng is a little short-sighted, so she can't see the situation clearly.

All I could hear was the voice of a woman laughing lightly, which was very soft.

There was also the voice of a man whispering, as if commenting on their criticism.

"...Tuanzi, is he here?"

【Um. 】

Fu Sheng frowned slightly.

Smelly white, dare to whore! ?

She is very angry.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +10%]

【Total approval rate: 10%】


Lin Zheng has quietly closed the door.

"This batch, isn't it bad..."

The man's rambunctious voice sounded, seeming very interested.

The girls were not rigid, took off their shawls, and approached the dark place,

There was a voice of teasing, accompanied by a few soft exclamations.

Fusheng is wearing a floral white dress,

Standing there, it seemed a little out of place.

[Ma'am, go to your left. 】

[Walk about... ten steps. 】

【Da Da is looking at you. 】

"..." Fu Sheng looked over.

The light was too dim, she squinted her eyes and walked slowly.

At eight steps,

Her calf seemed to have touched the leather shoe.

Eyes adapted to the dark blinked, sensing the breath of fragments.

Well, that's him.

Fu Sheng was about to speak,

The next second, the lazy male voice from the other side came again,

"That one over there, the one in the skirt, go up and dance."

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