The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1100 The Little Lover To Hug (14)


Probably because he was afraid of pressing her down,

The man quickly picked her up and put her on his lap.

He lifted her chin, kissed and kissed, and held her tightly, not giving her a chance to breathe at all.

His hands were also rubbing her waist gently, as if he was enduring it very hard.

The car stopped at some point.

There were noisy sounds from outside, and it seemed that they had already arrived at their destination.

Fu Sheng felt his whole mouth go numb, and he hadn't left yet.

She blushed, pushed him, and whispered, "First... sir, we've arrived."

Li Xiao didn't stop, and continued to hold her hand, still making out.


An ambiguous little bit of red appeared on Fusheng's neck,

not much,

It seems that the man left it on purpose,

He hugged her, breathing slowly and calmly, and his body.

Fu Sheng blinked her moist eyes, blushed, not daring to move.

She knew he was enduring, so at this moment she had to be obedient and not move.

One move and something will happen.

The man hugged her tightly, his Adam's apple moved slightly.

He slowly touched her slightly red and swollen lips, his voice hoarse,

"very beautiful."

So pretty... how much he misses... her.

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

After realizing that he praised her, her eyes lit up, as if she was very happy,


"Then are you considering me as your girlfriend?"

Her eyes looked forward.

Li Xiao raised his eyebrows, with a half-smile,

"Still thinking about it?"

The persistent little girl nodded solemnly.

After becoming a girlfriend, is it still far from being a wife?

Li Xiao smiled inexplicably, tapped her forehead, and said in a low voice,

"see your performance."

"..." Fu Sheng's face drooped.

Why is it so difficult to become a regular?



into the hotel,

Only then did Fu Sheng know that this was the birthday dinner for Lin Xiao, the heir of the Lin family.

At the dinner party, toasting to each other, pushing cups and changing cups,

People in twos and threes stood together, laughing and chatting in low voices.

Under the huge crystal chandelier decoration,

The whole hall is bright and clean, fresh and elegant,

It is very comfortable.

When Li Xiao walked in with Fu Sheng on his arm,

Everyone looked over at the same time, as if they had made an appointment together.

All of a sudden, his eyes focused on the two people at the door.

Fu Sheng knew that he was just a display, so he didn't panic, and calmly put his arm on Li Xiao,

With a cold expression on his face, Li Xiao wrapped his arms around her waist and led her inside together.

Li Hanyan, who was in the crowd, saw the woman next to Li Xiao, shook his hand, and uttered a damned sound,

this is not……!

That woman that day? !

"Cold words, pay attention to your words and deeds."

The serious Mrs. Li hit his leg with a cane,

"...No, grandma, look at brother."

Li Hanyan turned her wheelchair around,

The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a sheepskin shawl and an elegant old-fashioned cheongsam skirt, with a serious face.

She looked over, still scolding,

"Don't keep talking about your elder brother, it's not easy for your elder brother—"

The old lady's words stopped abruptly.

"Grandma, brother, it seems that I have a girlfriend!"

Li Hanyan whispered in her ear.


The unreasonable are still whispering,

"Who is that woman? Which family's daughter is it?"

"I don't know, I don't know him, is he the secretary?"

"Impossible, where does President Li have a female secretary?"

"Didn't he publicly say before that he wouldn't have a female companion?"

"... Hurry up and check this woman."

Fu Sheng walked with Li Xiao.

As she walked, she didn't feel right...

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