The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1101 A Little Lover To Hug (15)


Everyone's eyes seemed to be on her.

There are those who are curious, those who look at it, and those who are envious, jealous, and disdainful.

Fu Sheng blinked, but said nothing.

Li Xiao led her to an old lady in a wheelchair.

The old lady stared at her like a panda,

The serious and old face looked at him quietly, without speaking.

Li Xiao opened his mouth first, lowered his head slightly,


Fu Sheng glanced at him, then bowed her head obediently, "Grandma is good."

Mrs. Li didn't look at Li Xiao, but looked at Fu Sheng,

Seeing Li Xiao's hand on her waist, it was obviously possessive,

And the marks on her neck, the necklace...

She tapped on her crutches and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Fusheng replied obediently, "I am Mr.'s girlfriend, Lin Qiansheng."

"Female partner?!"

The old lady raised her voice once.

Li Xiao lowered his head slowly, his brows and eyes narrowed slightly, with a bit of respect,

His thin lips were slightly hooked, and he said softly to the old lady,

"Grandma, don't scare Shengsheng."

"..." Fu Sheng blinked.

The old lady knew that she had lost her composure, coughed lightly, and looked away,

"Female partner..."

"How old is the girl?"

"Twenty." Fusheng replied seriously.

The old lady just wanted to nod, but when she realized it, she was surprised,

"Twenty? So small?"

"..." Fu Sheng tilted her head slightly,

How come his family all have the same reaction when they hear her age?

The old lady glanced at Li Xiao, as if she was condemning him for finding a child.


This was the first time he had brought a woman to show her.

Although a female companion,

But this is Li Xiao's first time bringing a female companion,

He is already thirty, already old.

No matter how many times he said it before, he ignored it.

At the end of the old lady's persuasion, she has already lowered her requirements.

As long as it's a woman who can give birth, that's fine.

As for the woman in front of me...

The old lady didn't show it on the face, but she was quite satisfied in her heart.

Not stage-frightened, generous, not deliberately flattering, and good-looking.

"Little girl, if you are free some other day, come and sit at home?"

The old man smiled kindly.

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

She subconsciously looked at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao didn't speak, just squeezed her waist in private,

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, bent her eyes, and smiled softly,

"Will you bother grandma?"

"No, no, let Li Xiao bring you here then."

The old lady hit Li Xiao with her cane.

Li Xiao hugged Fu Sheng's shoulders, and said "Mmm", which was a response.

Fu Sheng thought it was just a polite remark, so he didn't take it seriously.

She hasn't become a girlfriend yet, how can she meet her parents so quickly?

After chatting with Mrs. Li for a few words,

Li Xiao took her to meet many people again, as if he was doing some kind of presentation.

Fu Sheng has said no less than ten times that she is Li Xiao's female companion.

Everyone who heard it seemed to understand something and respected her very much.

Fusheng felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell why it was so strange.

Li Xiao has been hugging her all the time, and seems to be in a happy mood,

Knowing that she couldn't drink, he handed her a glass of juice,

Fu Sheng drank and drank, a little wanting to go to the bathroom.

She turned sideways and whispered a few words to Li Xiao,

Li Xiao touched her cheek, said "um", and asked,

"Can you find a toilet?"


Fu Sheng pointed to the other side.

Li Xiao nodded slightly and let her go.

Fu Sheng smiled apologetically at the person in front of him, then turned and walked to the other side.

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