The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1102 A Lover To Hug (16) (Ke Ke Oh Reward Plus)


Li Xiao looked at her back for a while, and then lightly withdrew his gaze.


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five minutes later,

Fu Sheng finished using the toilet, washed her hands, and walked out holding her skirt.

Go back to a corridor,

I saw a woman in a white shawl dress leaning against the wall, holding her mobile phone with her head down, pointing at something.

Vaguely, still a little familiar.

Fu Sheng didn't think much, and wanted to go around,

just passed by her,

next second,

A somewhat yin and yang female voice sounded from behind, with a bit of familiar sarcasm,

"It's just a stinky bitch, do you really think you can fly on a branch and become a phoenix?"

"..." Fu Sheng paused.

Her eyes were slightly cold, and she looked over lightly.

"Who is the bitch calling?"

"The bitch scolded you." The woman scolded without even thinking about it.

"..." Fusheng raised her eyebrows and sneered.

Only then did the woman react.

Her face turned blue and white, obviously a little out of breath, "You—"

Fusheng turned around, facing her, smiling, not angry,

The tone is light and meaningful,

"I said, what kind of lady is she, so uneducated."

"One bite at a time, maybe it's a problem with the tutor."

"No... there is a whore in your family, right?"

Fu Sheng sneered.


The woman raised her hand and was about to slap her.


She seemed to have seen something, stopped suddenly, sneered, folded her arms to provoke,

"Lin Qiansheng, after all, didn't you come close to Li Xiao for money?"

"A woman with ulterior motives, do you think the Li family will?"

Fu Sheng chuckled, "I'm not doing it for money."

"I'm mostly..."

"Greed for his body."

The little girl clicked her tongue, seeming a little complacent,

"Are you jealous? It's useless to be jealous."

"Our Mr. Li is mine, it's mine now, and it's mine in the future."

She showed two rows of big white teeth, so childish that people were angry and hated.

The woman's face twisted slightly.

"As for the money?"

Fu Sheng smiled,

"His is mine, I spend my money, what's wrong?"

"Slightly slightly~"

The little girl grimaced unceremoniously.


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【Total approval rate: 76%】


The smile on Fu Sheng's face stagnated.

She turned her head instantly.

Li Xiao slowly turned the red wine glass, leaning against the wall, staring at her with deep phoenix eyes, the corners of his lips were calm, and his smile was flat,

"What's mine is yours?"

He spoke in a low voice, his tone unclear.

"..." Fu Sheng's face was slightly stiff.

The woman seemed to be complacent, and began to add oil and vinegar,

"President Li, look at this kind of woman, hypocritical and greedy, she not only wants your money, but also wants to marry into a wealthy family—"


Fu Sheng's backhand was a slap.

Her complexion was pale, and she chuckled lightly, quite sharply,

"The matter between me and him is none of your business."



The woman was caught off guard and fell to the ground, covering her face in disbelief.

Fu Sheng didn't look at her, but walked up to Li Xiao, took his hand, and pulled him out.

Li Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not speak.

When the two walked to the garden behind the hotel,

Fu Sheng let go of her hand, and immediately bowed her head obediently to admit her mistake,

"I was wrong, sir."

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