The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1108 The little lover who wants to hug (22)



Fusheng leaned against his arms and fell asleep peacefully.

He was motionless, breathing evenly.

Li Xiao stared at her with lowered eyes, slowly touching her face, his eyes darkened.

The little girl sleeps very well, with her eyes closed, breathing lightly,

Leaning in his arms, the whole body is soft, and the breath is very comfortable.

The man's movements were very light, holding her with almost no force,

It was like holding a fragile and beautiful porcelain doll in her arms, which could not be dropped or touched.

Li Xiao looked at her quietly, as if thinking of something, the corners of his lips curled slightly, revealing a bit of tenderness,

Inside the quiet car,

The man leaned over slowly, whispering in her ear, with a smile,

"Good night, my lady."


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【Total approval rate: 88%】



Time flies,

Three months passed.

Fusheng has been taken by Li Xiao as a little lover,

Li Xiao treats her very well, except that she is tough on the bed,

The rest of the time, he was very talkative.

He can be regarded as a super qualified gold master father.

Fusheng followed him, and began to gain weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally, she was so thin that she had almost no flesh.

Now, the little face is already fleshy, and it feels very good when pinched.

When Li Xiao hugged her,

And pinch the soft flesh on her waist from time to time,

Although Fusheng doesn't care about her weight,

But occasionally, she would worry that she was fat, which would dislike the patron's father.

Therefore, she will also control her diet.

Li Xiao probably felt something,

When pressing her down at night, he gave a hoarse laugh and said,

"It's big, not bad."

"..." Fu Sheng was slightly taken aback.

But soon, she realized something, her face flushed,

"Sir, you—"

The man reaches in.


her clothes.

bottom hand.

It's not heavy, it's more like teasing her.

He kissed her, in a low voice,

"You don't need to go on a diet, it's better to be fatter."

not to mention,

She is not fat either.

It's just a little more fleshy than before, and it looks more comfortable.

"..." Fu Sheng blushed and stopped talking.

the next day,

The man fed her a lot again.

Fu Sheng didn't understand what he was thinking,

But since the patron's father doesn't mind, she doesn't need to wrong herself.

Fu Sheng felt relieved and opened his stomach to eat.

After breakfast,

Li Xiao sent her to school.

The weather is getting cooler, and when the wind blows in the morning, I always feel a little chilly.

Li Xiao found a thin coat from nowhere and put it on for her.

The pure white coat was worn on the little girl, and there were two long ears on the hat,

Fusheng didn't tie up her hair, it was loose, and she looked pure and clean.

Paired with a rabbit coat, she looks softer and looks extra bully.

Li Xiao looked at her steadily,

Just as Fu Sheng lowered his head to straighten his clothes,

He suddenly reached out and put the hat of the coat on her,

Two limp white ears rest on the other side,

Coupled with the little girl's slightly confused face,

It is a big white rabbit.

The man suddenly chuckled, as if very happy,

He pinched her face and whispered,

"Go home tonight, I'll give you a present."

"..." The little girl blinked.

She thought of something, and hugged him, her eyes brightened slightly,

"Sir, can I be your girlfriend now?"


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【Total approval: 90%】

A slight smile flashed in the man's eyes.

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