The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1109 The little lover who wants to hug (23)


He tapped her forehead with a lazy voice, "Let's go to class first, and we'll talk about it when we come back at night."

Fusheng was about to slump her face habitually, but when she heard his words, she was slightly taken aback, as if she didn't react,



Her eyes were bright, "Will you promise me that night?"

Is she finally going to succeed? !

The man didn't answer, he rubbed her little head and said,

"I'm going to be late, go to class first."

"..." Fusheng's entire appetite was whetted by him.

Seeing that he doesn't let go,

She curled her lips, and lazily put her schoolbag on her back,

"Okay, then you must come back early at night."

The little girl who didn't get the answer walked back and forth at every step, looking eagerly, and looked very gratifying.

Sitting in the car, Li Xiao looked at her, his brows and eyes slightly softened.

When the little girl disappeared,

He just slightly put away the smile on his lips,

"Did the ring come?"

His eyes were dim, and his fingertips tapped lightly.

The driving assistant replied, "It was delivered last night, and it was put in the drawer of your desk."

The man nodded slightly.

When his eyes fell outside lightly, a gleam of light flashed in his deep black eyes, which was meaningful,


Wouldn't it be better to be a wife directly?


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【Total approval rate: 92%】




the sun is big.

It's clearly the cool autumn,

But for some reason, the sun is unusually hot today.

The temperature reached forty degrees at one point.

Fu Sheng had no class in the afternoon, so he went to the library to read.

Because it's too hot,

She took off her coat and put it on a chair.


The scorching sun scorched the whole earth scorching hot,

The original withered yellow branches and dead leaves are even more lifeless.

The air was dull, like a heavy stone was pressed down, making people extremely anxious.

The birds that were supposed to build their nests and settle down are now jumping around on the branches non-stop, singing very loudly,

in the mud under the trees,

Ants swarmed out of the hole in groups,

Climbed to the surface, would rather endure the scorching temperature of the ground than go back.

Sitting by the window, Fusheng suddenly felt something, and looked out the window.

Put down the book in your hand,

She stood up, her little face condensed slightly,

【Madam, what's the matter? 】

"...something feels wrong."

Looking at the extremely dazzling sunlight outside the window, Fusheng felt a little restless.

[What's wrong? 】

The group looked confused.

Fu Sheng was slightly silent.

She can't say it either,

But it always feels like something big is about to happen.



half an hour later,

Pandora's box has finally been opened.

An earthquake without warning came suddenly.

The surface shook violently, as if God was shaking the earth violently, playing with it wantonly.

The bird on the tree had already been frightened and flew up, circling in the air, calling frantically.

The heavy and thick library building, at this moment, looks like an old man who has passed away, standing tremblingly in the violent shaking, tenacious and persistent.

The crowd's screams, cries for help, and panicked running filled the entire surface.

Things fell on the ground, even though they were precious, no one cared about them.

The terrified crowd frantically rushes out,

But the violent shaking on the surface prevented them from standing upright or even walking.

Human panic and fear, in the face of nature, are particularly vulnerable.

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