The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1110 The little lover who wants to hug (24)


Only ten seconds passed,

Under the violent shaking of the ground, the sturdy steel and mud tiles of human beings collapsed,

Like an old man who has lost his vitality, he can no longer support the malice of nature, and falls to the ground tremblingly.

The dust blows away,

Those who were lucky enough to escape were all limp on the ground, their eyes were dull and dull, and they were grateful for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Even those trained in earthquake disasters,

In the face of a truly huge disaster, it is also impossible to behave calmly and escape in an orderly manner.

In panic, you push and squeeze,

Screaming and crying, the will to survive was extremely strong.

Even if he ran out, he was completely limp on the ground, unable to exert any more strength.

This disaster came suddenly and cruelly.

The entire city of A, even the highest-grade earthquake-proof steel buildings, can barely shake, trembling and not falling down.

The TV is frantically reporting, and the government has urgently dispatched all its personnel to start the search and rescue work.

After the violent earthquake, there were several aftershocks.

The amplitude of the aftershock was not large, but it was undoubtedly a secondary injury to the houses that had already collapsed.

Fire officers and soldiers from nearby cities also rushed out to rescue.

The national level was also alarmed and the army was sent to support.

For a time, the eyes of the whole country were focused.

The TV news scrolled through the pictures of the earthquake in City A, and reported the situation of the earthquake in real time.

Police dogs kept searching among the ruins, looking for the buried wounded.

on the university campus,

Beside a crooked tree,

A dusty girl appeared, panting slightly.

She leaned on the tree and looked at the collapsed library with a solemn expression.

【Madam, why are you saving them...】

Tuanzi was a little bit to blame.

"If you can save one, it counts as one."

Fusheng's legs were also a little soft.

The situation was too urgent just now, and the earthquake came suddenly.

She could have just flashed out at that time,

But seeing an old couple holding each other beside them fell to the ground, unable to escape,

After all, she was relented.

When the huge ceiling falls,

The red string on her wrist instantly formed a barrier, protecting her.

Fusheng didn't have time to think about it, and helped the old couple run out.

Fortunately, she was on the first floor, and she was protected by a red rope.

So the falling concrete can't hit her.

As soon as I ran out,

The building behind him collapsed and turned into a pile of ruins.

Fusheng choked on the dust, and his body was also covered in dust.

After helping the old couple to a safe place,

The old couple kept thanking her.

Fu Sheng was thinking of her man in her heart, and after politely accepting her thanks, she wanted to find a place to make a call.


Her mobile phone was in her schoolbag, and her schoolbag was left in the library.

It probably won't come out now.

Fu Sheng was a little anxious, "Tuan, what about him?"


【The system is interrupted...】

【please wait……】

Fu Sheng:? ? ?

Contact at such an important moment is actually broken? !



【The system is interrupted...】

【please wait……】

inside the chaos,

The group looked bewildered.

"What happened? Why did it stop again???"


Under the hazy white mist, a clear figure appeared and held her hand,

"Didn't you notice? My lord...appeared."

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