The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1116 Little crying bag, bullying you (3)


out of the chamber,

The people outside are already very lively.

The burly woman who had just taken the lead was busy distributing the trophies, which were available in every house, and they were very generous.

The people in the village are very dedicated to their work. The middle-aged women are responsible for going out to rob, while the old and young men are responsible for staying in the village, cleaning up and doing various handicrafts.

Everyone has a clear division of labor and enjoys themselves happily.

Fu Sheng stood there watching for a while, and couldn't help being infected by their atmosphere,

Maybe it's because everyone is in distress, so they are sympathetic to each other, and those with disabilities in the family will get more food.


The strong woman jumped out of the car, walked over with the best portion of food, and handed it to Fu Sheng,

"Boss, this is yours."

Fu Sheng took it.

"Is today going well?"

She looked at the carts of goods.

The woman nodded, extremely proud,

"Those people are so bad, they fainted after punching them down. It took us less than a quarter of an hour to successfully snatch the carriage."

"Oh, by the way, we also robbed two carts of jewelry. A Ke said that it is estimated to be worth half a million gold."

The woman made a gesture to lead her to another room.

"...500,000? Gold?"

Fu Sheng was a little surprised.

Ordinary caravans don't go out with so many things,

This is probably offending the big family.

Fu Sheng focused slightly.

Into the house, as expected,

Two carts full of gold, silver and jewels were about to overflow.

Ake, who was in charge of the accounts, was counting the numbers and was very busy.

Her hands were trembling, she had probably never seen such a large amount of money.

Fu Sheng looked at it for a while, then turned around and asked,

"Sister Li, have you found out who the other party is?"

The amount is so huge, if you offend princes and nobles, you will suffer.

Li Yuan patted her head, "The other party seems to have said that they are the convoy of the Wang family in the capital."

"If I'm not mistaken, the Wang family should refer to the richest man in the capital—Wang Yun."


Fu Sheng was thoughtful.

"Sister Li, go and find out what they are transporting this batch of goods for. If it has something to do with the imperial court, come and tell me right away."

There is a rule in the village, that is, property related to the imperial court must never be robbed.

If a village offends the imperial court, it will definitely end badly.

Therefore, the stockade used to rob merchants, avoiding the court as much as possible,

As for the goods transported by the richest man's family, it would be fine if they were not related to the imperial court, but if they were inextricably linked...

I'm afraid this hot potato has to be returned.

Fu Sheng clicked his tongue and said nothing.



the second day,

The person Li Yuan sent to investigate has returned.

This batch of goods has nothing to do with the imperial court.

It was Wang Yun who wanted to transfer part of the money back to his hometown in private to avoid taxation by the Ministry of Accounts.

Unexpectedly, she had calculated thousands of times, and she didn't calculate that there would be bandits robbing on the road.

After the bodyguard who had been stripped of his clothes ran back to report,

Wang Yun fainted on the spot.

This batch of goods was originally shameful, it was robbed, and it could not be reported to the authorities.

It's like a dumb person who eats coptis, and can't tell the pain.

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief after roughly understanding the situation.

What was snatched was not the hot potato, but the sweet pastry.

Half a million gold, great money,

Then in the next ten years, there will be no need to rob the cottage.

Fu Sheng intends to use the money to invest,

Then let everyone do serious work, try not to rob,

Although it sounds good in name, it is robbing the rich and helping the poor,

But in the end, it's still a robbery.

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