The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1117 Little crying bag, bullying you (4)


As the saying goes,

I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet,

If one day it really attracts the imperial court's encirclement and suppression,

The original owner's wish could not be kept.

Fu Sheng spent the whole night thinking about this matter.

This also leads to,

When she woke up the next morning, she was drowsy.

Fortunately, there were not many affairs in the village, so she could continue to catch up on sleep.

When I woke up again,

It's dark outside,

Everywhere was groggy, only the village was dimly lit, and it was silent.

Occasional dog barking and human voices came,

The quiet night is hazy and cool, refreshing and pleasant.

Fu Sheng walked out of the room, stretched her waist, and looked up at the moonlight.

After sleeping too much, she is not sleepy at all now.

The little girl sat down slowly.

She stared at the moon in a daze for a while, letting go of her thoughts.

After a while, she suddenly thought of something and stood up suddenly.

After choosing a horse at the stable,

She rode up, "Drive—"

【Madam, where are you going? 】

"Go and see the terrain."

She thought about it, why not change the cottage into a village, just like in her previous life.

Built by the river, self-sufficient,

At that time, spending money to invest may form a virtuous circle.

Fu Sheng rode out quickly on the horse.

The gatekeeper opened the door for her,


Her thin back disappeared into the hazy night, never to be seen again.

The cottage door closed again.



Fusheng walked down the mountain slowly along the memory.

The mountains are too high and there is snow, so it is not a good place to build a village.

She planned to walk around the mountainside, exploring the terrain by the way.

Forsythia Mountain is very high,

The top of the mountain is covered with white snow, and there are sparse vegetation down there.

Going further to the foot of the mountain, the dense bamboo forest covers a large area of ​​land, and the temperature is moderate, even a little bit cool.

at night,

The path in the mountains was very quiet.

Different from the scene where people come and go one after another during the day,

At night, there is no one on the path.

Fusheng is not afraid of riding a horse by herself.

Walking slowly, looking around.

The evening wind in the bamboo forest is very cool, with a faint chill.

It is clearly summer, but there is a feeling of bleak autumnal equinox.

Fusheng was wearing a mink coat, but he wasn't cold.

She walked aimlessly along the path.

When you come to a fork in the road,


[System refresh...]

[Fragment recognition: 0%]

【Total approval rate: 0%】

[Ma'am, Ma'am, next to you. 】

"..." Fu Sheng looked at the bamboo forest beside the path.

There are dense bamboo forests on both sides.

In the dark night, it is shady and cool, and the scene cannot be seen clearly.

Fusheng turned over and got off the horse, and walked in following Tuanzi's command.

I didn't take a few steps,

Her foot touched something soft.

She stopped immediately.

It's dark in the bamboo forest,

The moonlight cannot fall through the dense bamboo leaves, and the faint light is also blocked, making it difficult to see clearly.

Fu Sheng probably reached out and touched it.

[That's right, madam, it's just fragments. 】

Tuanzi is excited every time.

Fusheng gave a "hmm" and slowly picked him up.


He is light and his body is soft,

When I hugged her in my arms, the temperature was cold, and I was still shivering a little.

Fusheng paused, took off his mink coat, and covered him.

After being covered with warm fleece,

Soon, the person in his arms stopped shaking.

Fusheng carried him out of the bamboo forest.

Without the cover of the bamboo forest, the bright and flawless moonlight finally fell on the woman and the man in her arms.

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