The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1119 Little crying bag, bullying you (6)


In the end, I almost lost control of myself.

When you react,

She almost took all the clothes off him.

"..." A certain person who did something bad became even more guilty.

She tried to calm down her restless mood and dressed him.

before leaving the room,

She kissed him impatiently again,

Like a flower picker, after taking advantage of shamelessly,

Only then reluctantly left.



the second day.

Fu Sheng woke up early in the morning and went back to her room.

When the door is opened,

The man with his eyes open on the bed closed his eyes instantly, clenched his fists slightly, and his body was a little tense.


Fu Sheng approached.

She sat on the edge of the bed and watched him for a while.

For a long time,

She blinked, looked at his trembling long eyelashes, and was silent.

He was clearly awake.

Maybe it's because of nervousness,

His eyeballs moved slightly, and his curled eyelashes trembled like butterfly wings, inexplicably seductive.

He didn't move, but his body was visibly tense,

On her fair face, she blushed slightly, as beautiful as a peach blossom, very elegant and refined.

Fusheng raised her eyebrows, but didn't poke them.

Sitting leisurely, but also maliciously, grabbed his hand.

"..." The man wanted to hide for a moment.

Being held by her, I don't know whether it was shame or anger, and my face turned even redder.

The already strong strange fragrance on his body seemed to be crazy at this moment, desperately exuding in the air, extremely alluring.

Fu Sheng's expression changed, and he almost wanted to pounce on her.

If it weren't for the hard work in my heart to restrain myself,

she really wants to...

Fusheng didn't dare to tease him now, and let go of his hand.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +10%]

【Total approval rate: 10%】

The man's body was visibly looser.

Fu Sheng looked at him without moving.

for a while,

She sighed, her tone seemed a little helpless,

"Are you awake?"

"..." The man in red closed his eyes, but didn't speak.

Fu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

She seemed to have thought of something, the corners of her lips curled up, and she leaned over slowly.

The closer you get, the slower you get.

The man's long eyelashes trembled more and more.

at last,

When Fusheng was about to kiss him, he suddenly opened his eyes, with a bit of panic in his eyes.

When the eyes touch the woman who is close at hand,

He instantly shrank into the bed like a frightened rabbit.

His cheeks were flushed, and his soft eyes were bewildered and panicked.

"You... what are you doing!?"

"Don't come here!"

"..." Fu Sheng was slightly taken aback.

The man obviously has the appearance of an adult, but his voice is soft, with a bit of milk,

He hugged himself helplessly, huddled in the corner, looked at her nervously, his delicate face was full of vigilance.

He probably also realized that the clothes on his body were relatively thin, so he lifted the quilt and covered himself tightly.

The thick and strange fragrance in the air dissipated a lot at once.

Fu Sheng blinked at him.

Inexplicably, seeing his obedient and deceitful appearance,

She would rather...

tease him.

"Guess... what do I want to do?"

The woman slowly walked along the bed and climbed up.

Getting closer and closer.

She smiled and did not take off her clothes,

Just approaching slowly, as if teasing him.

The man's face turned red all of a sudden.

He panicked and wanted to run away,

Fu Sheng pressed the wall directly, blocking his way.

all of a sudden,

Fu Sheng locked him in the corner of the bed.

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