The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1120 Little crying bag, bullying you (7)



The man bit his lip, a little frightened.

His soft eyes frantically avoided her sight,

The tip of the ear is red to the point of bleeding,

He tried to push her away, but with very little strength.

at last,

Fusheng slowly raised his chin, and was about to kiss him slowly.


A tear fell and hit the back of her hand.

Fu Sheng paused.

At some point, the man's eyes were already red.

Crystal clear teardrops hung wetly on the soft eyelashes, unable to fall off.

He bit his lip and looked at her with red eyes anxiously, as if he was frightened.

Tears slid down soft white cheeks, silently,

The body curled up, trembling slightly, like a timid rabbit, pitiful and wronged.

He whimpered softly, weeping quietly,

Cheeks are red, lips are pink,

The strange fragrance on his body was faint, as if he had begun to feel wronged, and he was no longer restless.

He cried silently, trembling and trembling, crying into a pitiful child.

Fusheng suddenly didn't dare to tease him anymore, so she quickly withdrew her hand and backed away.

"Don't cry... I'm just joking, I didn't mean to do anything to you."

"..." The man was still crying.

Tears flowed silently and could not be stopped at all.

Fu Sheng hurriedly found a handkerchief for him, coaxing softly, "I'm sorry, don't cry..."

He seemed to be angry, and he threw it away, his delicate baby face was fierce, and his tone was very aggressive,

"You are a bad person! Do not forgive!"

As soon as the voice fell,

The room suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Fu Sheng looked at him and said nothing.

The man stared at her with red eyes, crying while wiping away his tears.

at last,

Like a child who got mad, he covered the quilt and buried himself in it.

While crying softly, while shrinking body, angry and wronged.

"..." Fu Sheng felt a little headache.

She sat down helplessly, patted the quilt, and asked kindly,

"Sorry, I apologize to you, forgive me, okay?"

The people in the quilt do not speak.

Tears are still flowing.

"I won't be like this in the future, okay?"

The woman was still coaxing him nicely.


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【Total approval rate: 15%】

The crying under the quilt was a little quieter.

Fusheng watched some drama, and continued coaxing,

"My name is Mu Shengge, what's your name?"

"We can be friends, don't worry, I will never touch you in the future."

she promised earnestly.

The person under the blanket was still sobbing.

for a while,

The voice of the little grandma came, with a bit of temptation,


"En!" Fu Sheng nodded.


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[Fragment Recognition: +3%]

【Total approval rate: 18%】

The man slowly lifted part of the quilt, still peeking at her with red eyes.

Fu Sheng hurriedly sat up straight, smiling.

He bit his lip, his eyes were red.

Tears were still hanging on the eyelashes.

He probably felt that she was not in danger anymore, so he lifted the quilt lightly, with a low voice,

" name is Feng Qing."

"..." Fu Sheng paused.


This is... the surname of the royal family.

She kept looking at him.

The man seemed to have sensed something, his face flushed slightly, a little fierce,

"What are you looking at? I... I am the Ninth Prince."

"Dengtuzi, change... another day, I will let the queen mother come and arrest you."

His voice is soft and soft, and the milk is too good,

Obviously it's a demonstration, and it means to increase momentum,

It came out of his mouth, but there was a bit of inexplicable coquettish meaning for no reason.

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