The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1128 Little crying bag, bullying you (15)


Fu Sheng let go of his wrist.

She wanted to explain,

But look at his soft and deceptive appearance,

She, who was already agitated by the strange fragrance, couldn't hold back, hugged his neck, and kissed him.

The man's lips and teeth have always been loose,

She bit into it easily.

Hold down his hand, press him against the wall, kiss and kiss,

In a deserted alley, take advantage of everything.


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Fu Sheng kisses and kisses,

Then I felt someone's vaguely jerky response.

Like a frightened little sweet cat, he tried it carefully,

Very jerky and ignorant.

but soon,

After touching her, he quickly shrank back, his cheeks were flushed, and his pupils shone slightly.

Fu Sheng slightly bent his lips.

She kissed him hard.

look around no one,

She lifted his veil directly and kissed him on the cheek.

Kissing and kissing like chickens pecking at rice.

Feng Qing's face became more and more red, she froze in place, her hands curled up nervously.

There was a thin layer of mist in the squishy amber pupils, and it was hard to tell whether it was tears or shy wetness.

Fusheng kissed him on the cheek, and slowly moved upwards.

She felt sorry for his red and swollen eyes from crying.

when kissed,

The man's curled eyelashes fluttered wildly and drooped low.

The tips of the ears were red and extremely hot.

The woman in front of him had already let go of his wrist, hugged his waist, and kissed again and again.

His hands hang down, resting on his sides,

I don't know when, it has slowly touched her waist,

It seems to be refusing, and it seems to be silently accepting,

The bright red clothes entangled the plain white dress on the woman's body, which was incomparably soft and harmonious.

at last,

When Fusheng let go of him, his breath was already a little unsteady.

She swallowed with some forbearance, trying to suppress the clamoring restlessness in her heart,

low voice,

"Are you still crying?"

She hugged him in a threatening gesture.

Feng Qing pursed her lips and said nothing.

The sweet and fragrant little milk cat stared at her steadfastly, blushing and did not speak.

It seems to be coaxed, but it seems to be angry.

The eyelashes from crying just now are still moist,

Wet, sticking together, making his amber pupils extraordinarily clear and clean.

Fusheng looked at him for a while, then snorted, and put the face towel on him again.

"Cry again, cry again, and I will treat you lightly."

She threatened him angrily.

As she spoke, she gently put the veil on him.

"Where is your family? I'll take you to find them."

Fusheng picked him up, picked up the medicine bag on the ground, and walked out.

Just walked a few steps,

The person in his arms lowered his eyes and whispered,

"They... don't want me anymore."

Fu Sheng paused.

The man seemed to have remembered something sad, his eyes were slightly red, and he was very silent.

at last,

He smiled, his voice hoarse,

"Just put me here. I won't bother you."

He looked at her with red eyes, and tears slowly gathered in his eyes.

Like a wronged little milk cat,

Obviously very sad, but still pretending to be very sensible, looking at you quietly, wronged and pitiful.

Fu Sheng looked at him for a few seconds.

Seeing him cry again,

She squinted her eyes, seemed a little unhappy,

"You cry again? I'll kiss you when you cry."

Feng Qing suddenly stopped.

Tears welled up in the eye sockets, spinning around.

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