The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1129 Little crying bag, bullying you (16)


I don't know what came to mind,

He bit his lip in a panic, lowered his head and wiped his tears,

"No...not crying."

The soft voice began to choke again.

As if trying to hide her ears, he buried her in the crook of her neck, sniffing softly, tears streaming down uncontrollably.


Tears hit Fusheng's collarbone.

Her forehead popped.


The little girl who kept her word twitched her cheeks, and kissed a crying bag again.

Taking advantage of it is justifiable and confident, without the slightest guilty conscience.

at last,

Feng Qing's eyes were red, her face was red,

The whole body was soft red and soft red, and it was extremely hot.

He was hugged quietly, his lips were kissed so brightly red.

Fu Sheng wiped away his tears, paused, but his tone softened.

"No, no, I'll take you home."

Feng Qing looked at her with red eyes.

Fusheng kissed him on the cheek, and fixed the veil for him again.

"Okay, if you cry again, I'll kiss you again."

She picked him up and walked out of the alley.

The man's eyes trembled, he bit his lower lip, and said nothing.

He stared at her with wet and soft eyes, and the tips of his ears were red.

Fusheng carried him back to the cottage again.

when you come back,

He received another wave of attention gifts from the people in the village.

Fusheng felt like a big parent who coaxed his children home, and he had no temper at all.

After taking him into the house,

She was about to put him on the bed,

However, Feng Qing suddenly grabbed her shoulders, her eyes were still red,

"I need to change clothes, it's dirty."

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

The man is very stubborn, looking at her, his eyes are moist,

"Just now, sitting on the ground...dirty."

Fu Sheng understood, nodded, turned around and put him on the chair.

"Then I'll help you find a clean set of clothes, just wait a moment."

"I still have to take a shower."

The man tugged at her sleeve again, looking extremely delicate.

Fu Sheng glanced at him, helplessly, "Got it."

"Then let's talk about it first. After taking a shower, take the medicine obediently and don't lose your temper. Do you understand?"

Feng Qing didn't respond anymore, she looked at her fixedly.

After entering the house, he had already taken off the veil,

The whole pretty face was exposed,

He didn't care about being seen by her at all.


The faint pink color on his cheeks has faded, only the lips are still red and swollen,

It was probably because the kiss was too long just now, which made him swollen.

When Fu Sheng's eyes fell on his lips, she coughed lightly, turned around and left without waiting for his answer.


A bucket of hot water is ready.

Fusheng stopped a group of people who wanted to take a peek and blocked them outside.

when taking a bath,

Feng Qing slowly washed behind the screen, very quiet.

After Fusheng took the new clothes, she put them on the table beside the screen,

"Your Highness, the clothes are here. They are all new and never worn. If the size is not suitable, you can tell me again."

The people inside the screen were very quiet and did not respond.

Fu Sheng didn't care either.

After all this trouble, she finally figured out his temperament,

Love to cry, love to get angry, very squeamish, can play temper.


All bad habits.

Fu Sheng felt a little headache.

【Madam, you can't pamper him all the time. It's said in the book that children can't be pampered. 】

Tuanzi held "One Hundred Ways of Raising a Baby" and solemnly reminded her.


It's okay to be unreasonable once or twice,

Always like this……

It's a bad habit and needs to be changed.



a quarter of an hour later,

There was some movement behind the screen.

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