The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1138 Little crying bag, bullying you (25)


"Isn't it supposed to be, where are the two of us, where is home?"

He seemed a little dazed.

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

But then, she smiled and gave a soft "hmm".

"This is a small home."

"But Zhaizi, it's everyone."

"I promised my mother that as long as I live, I will protect the village."

"If one day, the stockade is gone, I..."

"I won't live alone."

"..." Feng Qing grabbed her hand all of a sudden.

He stared at her, bit his lip,

"You want to follow to die?"

"then what do I do?"

"Are you leaving me?"

Fu Sheng had a meal.

The man immediately hugged her tightly, very strongly,

He covered her mouth to prevent her from speaking,

The voice is soft and trembling,

" can't leave me."

"Aren't we married? We agreed to stay together forever."

The man's eye sockets seemed to be red again.

The voice also brought a crying tone, "You said you were responsible, you can't let me go..."

The man's tears fell down again.

Aggrieved, with a pitiful face.

Fu Sheng blinked,

She sighed softly from the bottom of her heart, distressed and helpless,

She knows it's not good to say that,


If he really approached her on purpose,

She just begged him not to harm the people in the village.

The original owner's wish was to protect the village,

She has to work hard to help her do it.


She admitted... She was betting, betting on his feelings for her.

This is both persecution and warning.

Feng Qing's tears are still streaming down.

It seems that I am wronged.

Fu Sheng wiped his tears with a funny face, feeling a little helpless,

"I'm just saying what if, isn't the village in good shape now?"

"That can't be said!"

Feng Qing roared angrily, "You can't say that word!"

"..." Fu Sheng was slightly taken aback.


She slightly bent her eyes and gave a soft "hmm".

"Don't say it, I won't say it in the future."

"But, Qingqing, no matter what, I will live and die with everyone, do you...understand?"

The girl said this with a slight smile,

But Feng Qing understood what she meant,


Will desperately protect the stockade.

This is not a joke, and...


The man's eyes dimmed slightly.

He buried her in her arms and held her tightly,

His face was ice-cold, with a bit of stubborn cruelty.

Like a wolf cub, guard your baby tightly.

Fu Sheng couldn't see his expression clearly.

All he knew was that he was still crying.

The front of her chest was wet from his crying, obviously damaged by being wronged.

Fusheng rubbed his head in a good voice, coaxing,

It was never mentioned again.

She knew that he had probably listened.

Specifically what to do,

It was his choice.


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the second day,

Fu Sheng got up early in the morning.

on the bed in the house,

Fengqing is still sleeping,

Limply hugging the quilt, half of his face was buried in the quilt, which made him extraordinarily cute and cute.

After Fusheng got dressed, she leaned over and kissed him.

He didn't wake up, he was still sleeping.

Fu Sheng smiled, and kissed his cheek again,

After dawdling for a while, he turned and went out the door.

After the door closes,

The person on the bed has opened his eyes at some point,

The amber pupils were faint, unable to tell what emotion it was.

His white fingertips tightened slightly, pinching a corner of the quilt tightly.

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