The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1139 Little crying bag, bullying you (26)


Obviously still that beautiful and gentle face,

Between his brows and eyes, there was a faint chill of prey,

He stared at the place where the girl had been lying, without saying a word, with a cold expression on his face.

"Then...if it was me, and the village, I could only save one person, who would you choose?"


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【Total approval rate: 82%】



Under Fusheng's insistence,

The transformation of the village is in full swing.

With the supply of huge funds,

The village was also built in a decent manner.

The shops and stalls that should be there are all fully equipped,

Start the turnaround.

Fusheng continuously expanded the scope of the stockade,

With the bamboo forest as a screen, a large village was established.

Money is being used faster and faster, and there is less and less money left in the treasury.

Although Fusheng felt distressed, there was no limit.

From that day on, Fengqing,

Sitting quietly at the door of the house every day, waiting for her.

No more wandering around,

He didn't talk to anyone else either.

Fu Sheng didn't want him to be so boring, so she often took him out for a walk when she had time.

Feng Qing wore a veil and followed her quietly,

She asked a question, and he only answered,

Rarely talk less.

Fu Sheng probably felt something in his heart.

Finally one day,

The two were walking in the bamboo forest, Fusheng let go of his hand, helplessly,

"why you are not feeling happy?"

"Is it because of what I said before?"

Feng Qing was silent.

In the path among the bamboo forests,

The two stood quietly, relatively speechless.

Fusheng looked at him, sighed, and stepped forward to hold him,

when he touches his hand,

He suddenly raised his eyes, his gentle brows and eyes were bent, and his tone was soft,

"Ah Sheng, I want to ask you a question."

Fu Sheng had a meal.

"If one day, between me and Zhaizi, you can only choose one."

"Who do you choose?"

The man bent his eyes slightly, smiled silently, and looked extraordinarily well-behaved.

Her amber pupils shone with fragmentary light, very beautiful,

He wears a veil,

The covered lips were tightly pressed, coldly, without the slightest smile,

Under the sleeves, his fists were clenched slightly, trembling faintly.

He seems to be asking this question very seriously,

But he bent his eyes and smiled obediently,

As if it was just a joke.

Fu Sheng was slightly startled, looked at him,

In the air, suddenly became dead silent.

For a long time,

There came a soft sigh,

The woman seemed to smile helplessly,

"Choose you."

Nothing is more important than you.

Stupid husband.


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【Total approval rate: 85%】

Feng Qing's eyes trembled.

Fusheng approached slowly and hugged him,

She patted him on the back lightly, her voice was gentle and low, as if she was coaxing him, and her words were extremely serious,

"Feng Qing, no matter what it is, I can't compare with you, do you understand?"

"In my heart, you are more important than the whole world."

she admits,

She is selfish, incredibly selfish.

Even if compared with the lives of the whole world,

She would choose him without hesitation.

So what if the life is in charcoal?

What she wanted, from beginning to end... was him.

"..." Feng Qing's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

He slowly raised his hand and hugged her waist,

Buried in the pit of her neck, she shed tears patter.

Tears wet the veil,

He tore it off and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Sobbing softly, aggrieved,

It turned back into a crying bag again.

My shoulders trembled, tears flowed out as if I didn't want money,

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