The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1140 Little crying bag, bullying you (27)


The cries grew louder.

He thought he was mentally prepared,

Even if what she said was not the answer he wanted,

He can also accept it calmly.

But when she said firmly that it was him,


Feng Qing bent her lips, crying and laughing,

Like a fool, completely affected by her words.

He hugged her tightly, wiping away tears,

Obviously crying,

The lips are actually bent, smiling happily,

Fusheng took out a handkerchief from his pocket familiarly, wiped his tears,

She also laughed, very gentle,

"Why? Think I won't choose you?"

Feng Qing red-eyed and bit her lip.

Fu Sheng wiped his tears away, then leaned over to kiss him,

Gently and softly, with a touch of reassurance,

"The stockade is very important, but you are the most important."

"Then...then you won't want me, will you?"

The man's eyes were red, and he was angry.

Fu Sheng pondered for a while, then nodded, "No."

"But there is a premise, you can't lie to me, and you can't hide anything from me."

"If you let me know what bad things you did secretly..."

Fu Sheng hummed.

Feng Qing's body froze, "Will...would you want me?"

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, with a half-smile,

"Yes, I will divorce you, and then... marry someone who is obedient."

next second,

Her waist was pinched tightly.

A haze flashed in the man's eyes.

Fu Sheng was not afraid, and leaned over to kiss him again, smiling,

"So, our family Qingqing will not hide anything from me, will it?"

"Remember, don't lie to me~"

"..." The man's eyes were red and he remained silent.

on the way back,

He suddenly pulled her into the bamboo forest, eager to kiss her,

Changed from the obedient and gentle appearance of the past,

Kiss very hard.

If it wasn't for taking care of being outside,

He almost wanted to take off her clothes and rape her.

Fortunately, in the end,

He just hugged her without saying a word,

It's still a sticky big tits pussy.

Fu Sheng couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind, so he didn't say anything.

After taking him back, he started to get busy again.

Feng Qing stayed in the room quietly,

Don't know what to do.



"Your Highness, Your Majesty can't wait any longer. She wants to know about your progress."

The dark guard knelt down and cupped his hands.

"no progress."

The veiled man said coldly.

"Mu Shengge is on guard against me, I can't get the soldier talisman."

"...But, haven't you already been with her..."

"Do I need to say it a second time?" The man sneered.

"If the Queen Mother doesn't believe it, you can let someone else come."

The dark guard didn't dare to speak for a while.

She gritted her teeth, thinking of the Queen's order, she said bravely,

"Your Highness, your father is still waiting for this month's medicine. His Majesty hopes that you can get it as soon as possible."

The man wearing the face mask didn't change his face, and turned around lightly.

"I'll say it again, if the Queen Mother doesn't trust her son, you can let someone else come."

"..." The dark guard was silent.

She looked at the figure of the man, a trace of sarcasm flashed in her eyes,

Just a broken pawn,

Now I can be arrogant for a few days,

When he gets the soldier talisman, he... can just let her play.

The dark guard turned around and left quickly.



Feng Qing pushed the door open and entered the room.


Fusheng has come back and is taking a bath.

He paused, turned around and closed the door gently.

After taking off the veil,

After he entered the screen, he hugged her bare shoulders and rubbed her sticky, with a soft voice,

"A Sheng, Qingqing likes you."

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