The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1141 Little crying bag, bullying you (28)


Fu Sheng blinked at him,

"What's the matter? Suddenly confessed to me?"

Feng Qing slightly bent her lips, leaned over to kiss her,

"I just like Ah Sheng."

I like it very much.

The man kissed her milky.


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Fu Sheng laughed, "I feel that you have changed."

Feng Qing paused when she kissed her.

"You were not so obedient back then."

Fu Sheng nodded his forehead and said.

Feng Qing was silent for a moment.

He slowly hugged her tightly, his voice low,

"I'm sorry, I hurt you before."

He never thought,

Will love someone so much.

I like it so much that when I'm with her,

Even just touching it can make people so happy.

And because of her words, he will be extremely happy and sad.

Feng Qing kissed her cheek, and slowly took a small bite.

Fu Sheng glanced at him.

He snorted and didn't speak.

Feng Qing covered her lips again and kissed her.

"Don't be angry, okay?"

He acted like a baby milky.

When the amber beautiful eyes looked over, it was like a big cat, pretending to be obedient, obedient and docile.

Fu Sheng was glued to him for a long time,

at last,

She couldn't help but still smiled,

She pushed him and reached for the clothes.

"Okay, you get up first, I want to get dressed."

"I'll help you." The man said softly.

He stared at her unblinkingly, looking very obedient.

Fusheng couldn't stop him, so he let him go.

After getting dressed,

Feng Qing hugged her and rubbed her sticky for a while,

Under the effect of his strange fragrance,

Fu Sheng began to feel distraught again.

at last,

The two rolled onto the bed again.


When resting at night,

Fu Sheng got off him, yawned, and got ready to sleep.

Just when she closed her eyes, was drowsy, and was about to fall asleep,

just listen to the ear,

The man suddenly whispered,

"I came here with a purpose, A Sheng."


Fusheng dozed off and ran away.

She closed her eyes, moved her eyeballs, and said nothing.

The man hugged her, and after only saying a word, he fell silent.

For a long time,

He seemed to chuckle slightly, and continued,

"Since I was a child, I have been the least favored prince."

"My so-called empress has never cared about me."

"She's powerful, but also... headstrong."

"Unlike your mother, very ambitious."

"And I came here for her ambition."

Fu Sheng closed her eyes and frowned slightly.


The man's voice is still very soft,

It seemed that he was confessing, but he was afraid that she would hear it.

He slowly touched her lips, outlining the shape of her lips bit by bit,

The movement is very light, just like his whispered words,

"Your mother, before she died, did she give you a very important thing?"

"Empress, you want me to take it back."


"In the beginning, I wanted to lower your vigilance first, and then I will talk."


Feng Qing's voice became smaller and smaller,

At last, so small, only he can hear,

"I never thought that I would be the one to fall in love first."

Falling down step by step,

There is no power to parry.

He seemed to have been poisoned, the closer he got, the happier he felt.

she kissed him,

He clearly knew it was wrong, it shouldn't be like this,

But he……

Still didn't push it away.

He knew that the body fragrance on his body was a love potion for women, and it was extremely attractive.

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