The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1142 Little crying bag, bullying you (29)


When she was delirious and held him down,

In the end, he still didn't try hard,

Half pushed and half on the spot...obeyed.

even know,

This may be a play.

If the game ends, he will be abandoned.

Feng Qing smiled lowly, and hugged her tightly.

In the beautiful amber pupils, there is a soft smile.

He breathed slowly, and the breath on her cheeks was itchy.

In an extremely small voice, with a bit of care, like a cat, with a bit of obedient flattery,

"A Sheng, don't leave me behind, okay?"

He will be good and obedient.

If she wanted to protect the stockade, he would too,

if only,

She don't want him...

"..." Fu Sheng twitched her eyelashes, but said nothing.

After a few seconds,

She suddenly turned sideways and hugged him,

"Well, don't lose it."

The man's body froze.

Fu Sheng kissed him with a slightly lazy voice,

"Halal is really good, very honest."

"..." Feng Qing pursed her lips.

"Then... will you blame me?"

"As I said, I will be angry if you lie to me."

Fu Sheng hugged him lazily, said.

Feng Qing slowly tightened her waist.

The two of them were close to each other, blending with warmth.

Fu Sheng played with his hair, was quiet for a moment, and suddenly said,

"Does she have a hole card to threaten you?"

Feng Qing's eyelashes trembled.

"Tell me? What is she threatening you with?"

The man is silent.

Fu Sheng was not in a hurry, while waiting, while playing with his hair slowly,

Men especially like to lean in her arms and snuggle up to her, it seems that this can give him a sense of security.

He hugged her waist tightly, silent, did not speak,

For a long time,


A warm tear hit her chest unexpectedly, quietly.

Fu Sheng paused lazily.

"A Sheng...they don't like me."

"Still... still bullying me."

The man choked up aggrievedly and complained.

The wet eyelashes trembled, brushing gently against her chest, itching and inexplicably making people feel distressed.

"I don't like them... only like A Sheng..."


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【Total approval rate: 88%】

While shedding tears, the man complained aggrievedly,

Like a child who has been bullied, he goes home to complain to an adult.

Fu Sheng patiently wiped away his tears and listened quietly.

turn out to be,

Feng Qing is indeed the ninth prince of the royal family,

It's just that he is not favored, on the contrary, he is extremely hated by others.

One, because of his strange eyes.

Second, it was because of his innate body fragrance.

Amber color, strange fragrance, extremely attractive, like a vixen.


People in the palace called him the reincarnated goblin, and regarded him as an ominous omen.

The queen naturally didn't like it, and after seeing him briefly when he was born, she never saw him again.

Feng Qing and his father and concubine were thrown into the cold palace together.

Since childhood, she has been stared at and bullied by others.

After Feng Qing grew up a bit, the strange fragrance on her body became stronger,

The female guards in the palace often tried to attack him.

Feng Qing was young and knew she could not resist them,

So he ran to the pig manure pen and rolled around until he was covered in feces,

Get dirty and smelly.

The female guard immediately left in disgust, never wanting to touch him again.

It's just that every time he returns to the cold palace,

His father and concubine beat and scolded him, and didn't give him food and bath,

Feng Qing could only huddle in a corner with her feces all over her body, starving for a whole day.

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