The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1143 Little crying bag, bullying you (30)


Even so, he grew up safely.

When there is nothing to eat, he steals by himself,

If there is no water to take a bath, you will always be wearing feces and disguising yourself.

Finally one day,

He couldn't help it, and finally sneaked into the lake to take a bath,

He heard that the queen was talking about the soldier talisman with her confidants.

The queen has always wanted to get back a soldier talisman that was taken away,

I also want the ore stored under Forsythia Mountain.

But due to various factors, she couldn't steal it openly, so she could only secretly send someone to look for it.

Feng Qingzang listened for a while behind the rockery, and knew that his chance had come,

He has always wanted to leave the palace, but suffered from no chance.

Layers of guards in the palace are heavily guarded,

He didn't have a token, so he couldn't get out at all.


He can help the queen get that soldier talisman.

Obey the Queen's orders unconditionally.

The queen granted his request,

But... she drugged his father and concubine.

As long as he is disobedient,

His father and concubine will die in pain.

At the same time, she also drugged him.

Taking relief medicine once every three months can keep him safe and sound.

But if you are disobedient, you will not get relief medicine,

all the time,

He will die within seven days.

Before he dies, he'll be hot all over, mad for sex,

At the same time, all the internal organs will be rotten, festered,

the moment of death,

All he has left is a skin,

Internal organs, all melted.

Die in agony.

Feng Qing was frightened and timid on the surface, but there was no disturbance in his heart.

He took the medicine without hesitation, and then watched his father and concubine also be given the medicine.

He doesn't care about the life of his father and concubine,

He doesn't even care about his own life.

He just wants to go out of the palace to have a look and take a walk.

I don't want to stay in the dark palace and die alone.

If he can get the soldier talisman, the queen agrees to him, and from then on he will be demoted from the palace, demoted to a commoner, and will not be called for life.


Feng Qing came with a mission.

Get closer to her little by little,


She kissed him.

When Feng Qing said this, she paused.

Her cheeks blushed quietly, and her eyes were filled with subtle and beautiful broken light,

This was the first time he was kissed.

Since childhood, no one liked him.

He's up against shit and no one will even touch him.


He never knew that the feeling of being kissed could be so good.

Though she always scares him with kisses,


He actually liked being kissed by her.


He often cries.

Because whenever he cries, she kisses him.

Still kissed for a long time, for a long time.

Feng Qing slightly bent her lower lip, her heart beating like thunder.

Fu Sheng probably sensed his thoughts,

She raised her eyebrows, and slowly dragged her tone,

"So, you actually like me to kiss you, don't you?"

As she spoke slowly, she lifted his chin and approached him slowly.

Feng Qing smelled her getting closer.

He bit his lip and didn't resist.

Holding her waist with his hands, he tightened slightly.

"I said...someone always pushes me, pushes and pushes, and finally...not pushes anymore."

Fu Sheng smiled.

Although she was bewitched by the strange fragrance on his body before,

But not completely irrational.

As long as he resisted fiercely, even pushed her hard,

She would not touch him forcefully.


Every time, he pressed her shoulder with very little effort and pushed her lightly.

She grabbed his hand and pulled it aside,

He just twisted weakly a couple of times, and then stopped moving.

With red eyes, tears streaming down patter,

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