The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1144 Little crying bag, bullying you (31)


Don't shout, just look at her like this,

Wronged, like a harmless rabbit.

Fu Sheng originally thought that he had no strength and was easy to bully,

but did not think,

In fact, in his heart...

Fu Sheng felt a little funny.

She slowly covered his lips and bit his lips punitively,

snorted, said in a low voice,

"It's so bad, it makes me feel so guilty."

After she woke up, she still thought that he probably didn't want to, just because she couldn't resist.

So she is very guilty.

Only later, he became more and more clingy and more active,

She just faintly felt something was wrong.

It seems that he is the one who is passionate about that kind of thing.

"..." Feng Qing was silent.

He opened his lips slightly.

His hands also slowly went up and hugged her neck.


He wrapped his limbs around her.

It started sticking again.

Fu Sheng felt his response.

Since two people pierced the window paper,

He was shy and passive from the beginning,

Later, it has become enthusiastic and active.

Coupled with the seductive fragrance of the body,


When he is not satisfied, the strange fragrance on his body will be stronger,

Every time I hooked her up several times.

Fusheng snorted twice, and stretched his hand under the quilt.

I don't know what happened to me,

The tips of Feng Qing's ears burst red in an instant, and she trembled for a while, but did not move.

Hearing that his breathing was unsteady, Fusheng slightly hooked her lips, and leaned over to his ear,

"You just said that you took poison?"

"..." Feng Qing's body was tense, panting, and did not speak.

The ends of the eyes were slightly red, and tears appeared faintly.

"A...A Sheng...I...I think..."

"Answer my question first~"

Fu Sheng smiled.

Feng Qing blushed, gasped for breath, and nodded indiscriminately,

The body arched slightly, like pain, like joy.

Fu Sheng was thoughtful.

She reached out her hand from under the quilt and grabbed his wrist at once.

Probe slowly.

Feng Qing's body froze, and she rubbed against her stickily, acting softly,

"A Sheng, I want~"

"do not move."

Fusheng pressed his wrist and felt his pulse carefully.

Feng Qing puffed her face slightly and rubbed against her, a little unhappy.

For a long time,

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and relaxed,

He was poisoned by Gu poison,

the mother worm in him,

It must be fed regularly every three months, otherwise it will eat the body of the host.


Now it's just a matter of forcing the female worm out, and it won't be a big deal.

As for his father and concubine...

Fu Sheng asked him.

Feng Qing paused for a moment, then said calmly,

"A lunatic, I wish I could die outside, so that he can be honored again."

Feng Qing hated him extremely.

When I was young, I couldn't resist,

He was always slapped, punched and kicked by him.

Sprinkle all the hatred on him.

If it wasn't for his strong will to survive,

He had already died in the cold palace.

Fu Sheng was slightly taken aback when he heard his vaguely wrong tone.

Feng Qing realized what,

After reacting, he lost his composure.

Immediately suppressed his coldness, hugged her softly, and said obediently,

"A Sheng, let's ignore him, okay?"

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