The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1145 Little crying bag, bullying you (32)


"You will stay with me from now on, okay?"

"Qingqing is very obedient and won't touch her randomly."

"..." Fu Sheng blinked slightly.

Is it her illusion?

How does she feel, he just seemed...

"A Sheng~ don't you promise me?"

The person in his arms felt aggrieved all of a sudden.

Fu Sheng regained consciousness, helpless,

"All right, all right, I promise you whatever you say."

"Then...then I want you..."

He was sticky and coquettish again.

Fu Sheng: "..."

Tired, she pressed down silently.


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the second day,

Fu Sheng pushed everything away, pulled Feng Qing and asked him to take a medicinal bath.

She didn't want to arouse his suspicion, so she could only use this roundabout way to force him out of poison.

Feng Qing is also good, she does what she says, she is obedient.

When he undresses,

He blushed a bit, lowered his head, bit his lip, and slowly untied his belt.

His waist is very slender, but not too weak.

The whole body is white, as white as snow, and every frame is so perfect and charming.

The weak blue silk hangs down to the waist,

Her cheeks were soft and red, her eyes were warm and soft, and she looked extraordinarily pure and harmless.

When Fu Sheng turned to look at him, she paused slightly.

for a while,

She coughed lightly, and looked away unnaturally,

"Qingqing, go in and go clubbing, I'll be outside, if you need anything, just call me."

With that said, she was about to leave.

next second,

Feng Qing pounced forward, and started to get sticky again,

"A Sheng, don't go..."

"You accompany me..."

Milky men especially like to cling to her.

Because of his height advantage, he is taller than her,

So it's easy to hug her from behind.

His head rested on her shoulders, rubbing against her cheeks, like a milk cat trying to please people, its round amber pupils were extraordinarily soft, well-behaved and beautiful.

Fu Sheng looked at him sideways.

Feng Qing was not in a hurry, she hugged her tightly, her lips were slightly curved, her appearance was very gentle,

"A Sheng..."

He called her humbly.

"..." Fu Sheng pursed her lips.

After a few seconds,

The man who silently compromised sighed, turned around, and took his hand,

"All right, all right, I won't go."

Looking at the man in front of her, she felt helpless and funny.

Satisfied, Feng Qing wanted to go up to kiss her again.

at last,

After kissing for a long time, I reluctantly entered the bathtub.

Fu Sheng moved a stool and sat beside him, looking at him like this,

After a while,

She suddenly moved closer, looked at him with a smile, blinked her eyes slightly,

"Qingqing, you look really good-looking."

Someone itching in his heart began to tease him.

"..." Feng Qing was stunned.

Soft amber pupils stared at her, a little dazed.

Like a kitten that was suddenly praised, it was dazed, dazed and cute.

Fu Sheng touched his face with a smile and pinched him like a hooligan.

Because the man was taking a medicated bath, his snow-white complexion had gradually turned red and turned pale pink.

Part of the soft long hair was submerged in the water, sticking to his back, making it even more soft.

He stared at her blankly, with an abnormal blush on his fair cheeks, which was very red.

The girl stretched out her hand to touch his face, his eyelashes trembled, he bit his lip slightly, and the tips of his ears turned red quietly.

The crying big crying bag became shy, and was extra milky.

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