The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1147 Little crying bag, bullying you (34)


Because she doesn't want to change the fate of people in the plane.

But if the opponent is Dabai, she can use it again and again without any limit.

Fearing that Feng Qing would notice something was wrong, Fu Sheng didn't dare to do anything directly in front of him.

Therefore, she planned to secretly get rid of the Gu worms in his body at night when he was asleep.

After soaking in the medicated bath,

Feng Qing exuded a seductive medicinal fragrance all over her body.

After getting dressed,

He hugged her stickyly for a while, and kissed her.


The two were entangled again, and the atmosphere was ambiguous.


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Chaos place.

The dark dungeon seal.

The thick black mist rolled, resisting the extremely strong sealing power.

Day after day, it attacked from the thinnest part of the seal, collided violently, and then scattered again.

The black mist devoured all the power around it, transformed what it had, and became stronger and stronger.

As if it didn't feel pain, it slammed outward like crazy.

After being bounced back, a thick black fog filled the air, and soon, it gathered into a force and charged forward.

under the fog,

A figure bound by chains, head bowed, hair scattered,

In the dark surroundings, it seemed that he was particularly gloomy.

All limbs were bound by chains, so strong that they could not break free.

The man was dressed in dark black clothes, his hair was disheveled, his long fingers clenched into fists, and he was eerily quiet.

The black mist wrapped around him, dimly, as if it had already merged with his body,

A powerful force is gestating, waiting for the next breakthrough.

under the seal,

It was empty all around.

No one was there.

The man bowed his head like a statue, without any response.

Under the messy hair,

The pale and beautiful face was like stagnant water, so cold that there was no wave,

Like a penetrating poisonous snake, staring at a certain place, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The dense fog kept bumping against the seal, tirelessly,

I do not know how long it has been,

I don't know how many nights have passed.

Finally a moment,

The man slightly bent his scarlet lips, and smiled coldly,

He barely moved his body, and slowly stood up.

The originally extremely strong seal,

At this moment, there is a place that has begun to leak faintly.

For humans, it is still impossible to get out.

But for a black mist without outline and substance,

That little gap,


The man's scarlet and dangerous smile gradually widened,

The rope in his hand also split in an instant, and there was no longer any restraint.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the small hole happily, as if enjoying some scenery.


His figure faded away,

The thick black mist drilled out unimpeded along the small hole,

It seems to have spiritual consciousness, slowly drifting towards the river of spirit that breeds three thousand worlds,

In the sky above the Ling River, countless colorful planes are interdependent, overflowing with aura.

A thick black mist slowly fell into one of them, and there was no life left.

Sealed, shattered.




Clear and dark night.

In the cottage, there is a piece of tranquility.

inside the main house,

on a soft bed,

The sleeping girl opened her eyes in an instant, extremely sharp.

She looked ahead, narrowed her eyes slightly, and didn't know what she felt.


She turned her face and looked at the man beside her.

The man was already asleep, leaning against her, very close.

His hands were softly around her waist, and his legs were wrapped around her, almost like an octopus, hugging her tightly.

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