The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1148 Little crying bag, bullying you (35)


Fu Sheng touched his face, his eyes narrowed slightly.


She looked at the closed curtains,

It was very quiet outside the house at the moment.

There were only a few cicadas chirping, and the breeze blowing through the bamboo leaves made a rustling sound.

The whole world seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Fu Sheng stared at the window curtain, but didn't speak.

for a while,

She turned her head and looked at the sleeping man again.

The man was in a deep sleep, hugging her, motionless.

There came the sound of shallow breathing, spit on her cheeks, with a bit of warm fragrance.

The clothes on his body were very thin, and the front of the clothes was slightly opened, revealing a large chest,

On the snow-white skin, there were faint traces of the ambiguity between the two of them.

Probably because she knew she was awake,

He unconsciously hugged her tightly and muttered a few words in his mouth,

The whole person is like a little sweet bun, extremely sticky.

Fusheng looked at him, his brows and eyes softened slightly.

She took his hand and touched it.


The warm greenness of the palm emerged and penetrated into the man's wrist.

The gentle and soothing power is continuously input,

In the room, the light was bright for a moment.

The man's long, soft eyelashes trembled, and then he regained his composure.


A fat and big Gu worm was pulled out by spiritual power.

when exposed to the air,

Before the Gu worm could escape, it was instantly destroyed by spiritual power and disappeared.

Fu Sheng grabbed his wrist, heaved a sigh of relief, and finally let go of a hanging heart.


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[Fragment Recognition: +4%]

【Total approval rate: 95%】

"A Sheng..."

The man woke up at some point.

Opening his eyes, he stared softly at her.

"..." Fu Sheng was inexplicably guilty for a moment.

She immediately hugged him sideways, patted his back, and coaxed him gently,

"Qingqing, it's not yet dawn, let's sleep for a while."

Feng Qing stared at her steadfastly, without speaking.

Fu Sheng was afraid that he knew something, and was about to explain,

In no mood,

A certain man suddenly hugged her tightly and said softly,

"Ah Sheng sleeps too, otherwise he will lose energy during the day."

Fu Sheng paused slightly.

Feng Qing kissed her, then leaned into her arms, closed her eyes obediently,

Nothing was said, nothing was asked.

He didn't seem to notice her previous actions.

Fu Sheng quietly breathed a sigh of relief.


She also closed her eyes, slowly brewing sleepiness.

At this moment, the man who had his eyes closed was lowering his eyes slightly.

His face was calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


The body is still close to the girl next to him, very close,

His hands were also on her waist, hugging her very gently.

After the girl fell asleep,

The man chuckled, held her hand, his eyes darkened,

no matter who she is,

As long as it's her, he wants it.


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[Fragment recognition: +2%]

【Total approval rate: 97%】




A magnificent palace.

On a bright moon,

A thick black fog fell from the dome and descended to a hall deep in the palace.

Outside the hall, the guards are heavily guarded.

Layers of soldiers guarded, and the weapons were cold.

The dense fog descended and turned into a man in black clothes, quietly.

He stared at the middle-aged woman in the bright yellow dragon robe with a pair of dark and cold eyes, with some inexplicable malice,

Scarlet's dangerous smile widened, extremely weird.

He cannot kill King's Landing,


Destroy the soul fragments?


He will never recover.




Hey~ Babies, I haven’t saved any manuscripts recently, so the eight chapters I owe you will be paid back next week... [humble]

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