The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1161 I Found You, My Lady (1) (Gageng)



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The fragments in the girl's heart, slightly glowing with a pure white halo,

It was very faint, but invisible, as if it had sensed something.

The pure and powerful divine power protects her soul, just like... in the past.



A hundred years later.




[Main task: complete! 】

[Soul escaped successfully——]

【Matching new faces...】

[The match is successful. 】

【Searching for host...】

[The body is locked! 】

【Soul transmission...】

【Name: Fusheng】

[Task: Bring back the fragments. 】




[The system has been shut down——]

【End of mission—】



chaos place,

A pure white figure appeared, standing in front of the mirror, waiting quietly.


A cloud of black mist in the plane followed and landed.

Tuanzi was frightened, and changed back to the appearance of Xiao Guangtuan, hiding behind Liushang, not daring to make a sound.

The white dress like a flowing cloud hangs down like petals, the woman's stunning eyebrows and eyes are peaceful, her soft eyelashes droop slightly, and her profile is quiet.

The black fog that followed said in a hoarse voice,

"The bet begins, Shengsheng, let's go?"

The woman didn't speak, and subconsciously touched the red string on her wrist.

It's still there, and it will protect her.

"Suli, it's agreed, no damage to the fragments is allowed."

"If you get hurt, the bet will be automatically cancelled, and you will lose."

The black mist is silent,

After a long while, it was considered a forced response.

The woman in the white skirt didn't speak any more.

The greenness in the palm slowly emerged and got into her head.

She slowly closed her eyes, her slender eyelashes trembling slightly, like a butterfly about to spread its wings, clean and beautiful.


Her pure white soul body turned into a ray of light and flowed into a certain colored bubble above the Spirit River.

Black mist followed closely behind.



When the two leave,

The dumpling that turned into a human figure floated out from the corner.

Dressed in pink, she patted her chest, let out a breath, and seemed to relax.

The white mist slowly entangled her, and she chuckled lightly, with some unknown meaning,

"Are you afraid of Su Li?"

"...Don't say it, I'm really scared."

Dumplings are honest.

Suli is a powerful deity second only to adults, and it is said that he is moody and has a violent personality.

Of course she would be afraid.

Bai Wu was silent for a moment.

He seemed to snort coldly, emphasizing vaguely,

"I'm also very good."

"...Huh?" Tuanzi didn't hear clearly for a while.

Bai Wu didn't speak anymore.


He transformed into a human form, took her hand, and entered the plane together,

A stream of light flashed by,

Before the mirror, there is nothing else.




A loud baby cry came from the delivery room.

"Wow woo woo woo—"

"It's a girl!!! It's a girl!!!"

The nurse hugged the baby in a special wrap and carried her to the mother's side,

"Mrs. Su, you've worked hard, the hardest part has passed."

"Look, the baby looks so cute~"

The woman lying on the delivery bed, very weak,

Hearing what the nurse said, she struggled to open her eyes and looked at the little baby in the wrap.

The woman's complexion was very bad, her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, her cheeks were pale, and she was almost speechless from the pain.

The dystocia caused her pain for almost a whole day,

My lower body hurts so much that I can't feel it.

The whole person seemed to be fished out of the water, sweating profusely, and the hair was soaked.

She curled the corners of her lips, smiled silently and tremblingly, and then fainted.

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