The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1162 I Found You, My Lady (2) (Gageng)


The pink and tender little baby girl in the wrapping cloth closed her eyes and was very quiet, with her soft fists clenched, she was neither noisy nor fussy, sleeping soundly.

The nurse was overjoyed and carried her out.

outside the operating room,

A group of people saw the nurse coming out with the baby in their arms, and they stood up in unison in an instant.

"Give birth? How is it?"

One of the young-looking men looked eager.

"Yeah, how is my daughter?"

Several old people standing aside were also anxious.

The nurse said with a smile, "Congratulations, you have a daughter, and you are a healthy baby!"

The man breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, "Health is good, health is good..."

"How is Ayan? Is there anything wrong?"

he asked nervously again.

The nurse pursed her lips and smiled,

"Madam Su is fine, she just fell asleep after being tired all day. After a while, the doctor will take care of the follow-up work and send Madam back to the ward."

Only then did Su Hui completely let go of his heart.

He stretched out his hand nervously, wanting to hug the baby.

In no mood,

The old people eager for grandchildren pushed him aside, vying to hug their granddaughter,

"Let me see my precious granddaughter, whoops... she looks so beautiful~"

Several old people laughed from ear to ear,

"Brows and eyes like Ah Yan, ears like Ah Hui, not bad..."

"My mother, let me give you a hug."

Bai Yan's mother watched, her hands were itchy.

"No no no, let me hug again."

Old Madam Su stretched out her finger and touched the baby's cheek.

The pink and tender baby still closed his eyes, sleeping peacefully, completely undisturbed by the outside world.

The appearance is extremely quiet, and the ground is carved with jade, which is very pleasing.

Several old people rushed to hug and hugged each other, but Su Hui, who was his father, didn't let him hug him at all.

at last,

He could only stare helplessly, unable to reach in at all.

There was joy outside the delivery room.

And at this time, outside the window leading to the corridor,

A dense black mist filled, wandering there quietly.

In the dark night, no one can find its existence,

It is like a beast lurking and peeping in the dark,

Always ready and waiting to strike.


In the black mist, a figure appeared faintly.

Eyes fell on the baby inside,

The cold and low voice suddenly sounded, and Bing Tian carried a bit of deliberate gentleness,

He seemed very determined, chuckled, and slowly opened his lips,

"Shengsheng, in this life, you will definitely be mine."

He promised not to hurt King's Landing,

But I didn't agree...

Don't take King's Landing away.

As long as he is here, he will never let Shengsheng see that person again.

The man slowly clenched his fist,

Accompanied by the click of the joints, the already thick black mist on his body increased in divine power, rolling and whistling, trying to swallow everything around him.

the darkness outside the window,

Slowly and silently, it enveloped everything bright inside,

It is bound to be...

Completely encased.



on the other side,

A man and a woman stood on a roof in the distance, watching the scene quietly, without making a sound.

The woman quietly moved a little closer to the man, hid behind him, and whispered,

"Liu Shang, will he stay by Madam's side all the time and not leave?"

If so, how did they get close to the lady?

Liu Shang's eyes sank slightly, and he didn't speak.

After a long silence, he took her hand and said,

"Don't worry, Madam should be fine for the time being, no matter what, Su Li won't hurt her."

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