The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1167 I found you, my wife (7)


The shawl lying on the ground next to it, and the suspicious saliva on it, all show that,

Maybe it ran in secretly just now, took the shawl away, and wanted to use it to make a nest.

Su Jinsheng bent down and looked at it for a while,

at last,

She breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a little funny,

She was really nervous, always thinking that someone would spy on her,


Too suspicious.

The relaxed woman stretched out her hand and picked up the shawl.

Seeing the little black cat on the ground,

She curled her lips slightly, smiling,

"Little bad cat, don't steal things randomly~"

She reached out tentatively, trying to stroke its head.

The little black cat stared at her unblinkingly with its clean and clear vertical eyes, and gave a "meow" without moving.

The tail hangs down quietly behind it, looking very cute.

Just when her hand was about to touch,

She seemed to be worried about something, and withdrew her hand again, with a gentle voice,

"Forget it, I won't scold you anymore."

It is said that black cats have a bad temper and don't like being touched by people.

She still didn't want to reach out her hand to make it unhappy.

The woman smiled softly and said softly,

"You go, you can't steal again next time~"

As she said, she pushed the French windows open a little understandingly.

The little black cat didn't move, still staring at her quietly,

It probably realized something, gave a small "meow", and lay down obediently, revealing its soft and tender belly.

This is the most important part of the cat, which cannot be exposed easily.

It is willing to turn over and show its belly, which shows that it likes her very much, and it is friendly to her intimately.

The round and beautiful vertical eyes stared at her quietly, as if she was trying to be good, but also trying to please her.

Su Jinsheng blinked, but said nothing,

Looking at it steadily, it seems to be considering the consequences of touching it.

The cat's paws are dangerous, and she didn't want to be scratched, and then went to get an injection.


The little black cat let out another soft cry.

It lifted the small pad, and retracted its sharp claws in front of her, as if telling her that it was very good.

Su Jinsheng was amused by its human appearance.

Do not know why,

It looks... strangely pleasing to the eye.

It fits her eyes very well.

if possible,

It's okay to adopt it...

Su Jinsheng bent his lips, slowly stretched out his hand, and touched its belly tentatively.

The little black cat obediently, without moving, stared at her without blinking, and gave a soft "meow".

it looks like...

The character is very docile.

Su Jinsheng was slightly relieved.

Just when she was about to withdraw her hand,

The kitten, which was obedient and motionless, suddenly hugged her hand, and stuck its whole body against her arm.

It carefully closed its sharp nails, and only hugged her with its soft and warm pads.

The tail is also docilely wrapped around her wrist, and the fur is black and soft, which feels great to the touch.

Its small head leaned against her skin and rubbed against her, its pointed ears were close to hers, and its round eyes were cute.

Su Jinsheng raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at it without saying a word,

For a long time,

She chuckled and asked, "Do you want to stay here?"

"...Meow~" The little black cat tilted its head slightly and hugged her tightly.

Su Jinsheng pursed his lips,

She flicked its head and said nothing.

After a long while, there was a murmur, and he said,

"You can stay, but you have to promise to be good, okay?"

The little black cat gave another soft "meow", as if responding to her.

Su Jinsheng picked it up in his arms.

Although knowing that it is from the outside, it may be dirty on the body,

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