The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1168 I found you, my wife (8)


She didn't care, hugged it in her arms, and closed the glass door smoothly.

The little black cat in her arms looked up at her, obediently still, its tail wrapped around her softly, and did not let go.

It stared at her snow-white skin, as well as her collarbone, and a trace of hot obsession flashed in its eyes.

It's gone in a flash.

He continued to lean in her arms obediently.

"Are you hungry?"

Su Jinsheng rubbed its head,

"The kitten...should be able to drink milk, right?"

She's not so sure.

I'm afraid that if I feed it something that shouldn't be fed, it will damage its stomach.

Su Jinsheng checked the information online.

the whole process,

The little black cat was quietly buried in her arms, without calling.

It stared at her face without blinking, and its round vertical eyes were beautiful dark green, which looked like gems, which was particularly pleasing to the eye.

Just when Su Jinsheng's arms were a little sore,

It jumped onto her shoulder in a very human way, pressed against her neck, "meowed", and behaved again.

Su Jinsheng turned his face to look at it.

It tilted its head slightly, its small pointed ears moved, and the little pads lifted up to touch her face.

Cats have an excellent sense of balance, and can walk freely even if they step on a horizontal bar.

It seemed to touch it very carefully, and then withdrew its claws,

Yuanyuan's head moved closer to her, as if trying to get close.

look up close,

Its fur is very black, smooth and shiny, and looks very well groomed,

The smell on the body is not bad, it does not have the fishy smell of ordinary stray cats, it is fragrant, and it seems to be washed with common soap.

Su Jinsheng was slightly stunned, with some doubts,

Just when she was distracted,

The little black cat approached her face and licked it lightly.

The strength is very small, and there is a bit of temptation.


"..." Su Jinsheng's heart skipped a beat.

She stared at it fixedly, as if looking at it.

at last,

She bent her lips slightly, touched its head, and said nothing,

"Do you have a name?"

"If not, I'll get one for you, okay?"


It was bold enough to lick her again.

Seeing that she wasn't angry, it seemed even happier, and kept leaning over to lick her.

Su Jinsheng didn't dislike its movements,

According to the information, cats will actively lick their owners to show friendliness.


Does it want to please her?

Su Jinsheng touched its head and was about to speak.

next second,

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional,

The little black cat licked the corner of her lips.

After touching her lightly, he withdrew his tongue and continued to tilt his head, looking at her.

"..." Su Jinsheng blinked and was stunned.

She touched the corner of her lips subconsciously, looked at it, her lips parted slightly, and didn't know what to say for a moment.


The little black cat looked confused.

at last,

Su Jinsheng pursed his lips, hugged it down without saying anything,

"From now on, your name will be... Momo, right?"

She stroked its dark fur with a gentle tone.

"Momo, remember to be good, don't hurt others."


The little black cat called obediently, as if responding to her.

Su Jinsheng carried it downstairs with satisfaction.

It is said on the Internet that kittens cannot drink milk, it will spoil their stomachs.

There is no food at home for it to eat,

So she planned to feed it a little water first, and then take it to buy special milk tomorrow.

The little black cat is very well-behaved, let it drink water whenever it drinks, and it doesn't make trouble at all.

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