The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1169 I Found You, My Lady (9) (Gageng)


After drinking, he jumped into her arms consciously, nestled in her, and continued to rub her.

Su Jinsheng originally wanted to give it a bath, but she was inexperienced, and she was afraid that improper handling would cause it to catch a cold, so she stopped thinking and simply wiped its paws and head with a towel.

The little black cat obediently exposed its belly, with the little pad on her hand, without barking, just staring at her quietly.

The tail is also wrapped around her, making it extremely clingy.

When Su Jinsheng was wiping its hind limbs, he suddenly saw something and let out a "huh" in surprise.

"Momo, is it a little tomcat?"

So docile, she thought it was a mother's before...

The little black cat froze.

It "meowed" and subconsciously blocked a certain part,

Su Jinsheng bent his lips slightly and couldn't help laughing.

It turns out... cats can be shy too.

She didn't stop it either.

After wiping it all over with a towel, she picked it up and placed it on a soft cushion.

"It's getting late, it's time to go to bed, okay?"

She stroked its head.

The little black cat gave a "meow" and got down obediently.

Su Jinsheng stood up and closed the curtains of the room.

After everything is processed,

She got into bed and turned off the light.

The room was plunged into darkness for a moment.

Probably knowing that there was a cat accompanying her in the room, Su Jinsheng's nerves were not so tense.

She turned over, faced the small sofa, blinked, and relaxed her body.

Before, she always felt that someone was watching her,

The things she used are always inexplicably missing,

Now that I think about it...

Probably the kitten stole it?

Su Jinsheng was a little uncertain.

She stared at a certain place in the darkness, dazed for a moment,

The kitten was covered in pitch black, and it was even more invisible in the dark.

It's quiet, barely making any sound,

It also seems to be sleeping obediently.

Su Jinsheng was very tired after a busy day,

So even if his thoughts were chaotic, when sleepiness struck, he quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


On the wall of the room, the hour hand is turning second by second.

It was pitch black all around, and it was extremely quiet.

The little black cat, which was lying on the cushion, slowly opened its eyes, revealing its eerie vertical pupils.

In the darkness, its dark green eyes are extraordinarily bright, like a permeating ghost, which is frightening.

It jumped off the small sofa and landed firmly on the ground,

The moment of landing,

The soft pads turned into weak and pale soles, silently.

in the middle of the night,

His green vertical eyes fixed on the person on the bed, and slowly approached.

A slender, dark tail slowly penetrated under the quilt, wrapping around the woman's ankles.

It's dark in the room,

The curtains completely blocked the moonlight outside, and there was no light.

despite this,

The cat's vision remained unaffected.

The scarred hand approached slowly, and when it touched the woman's cheek, it trembled, as if excited and indescribably excited.

Slowly slide your hand down your cheek,

Like caressing a work of art, with a deep and hot obsession.

The tail stuck under the quilt, and it went up restlessly, encircling the woman's waist,

The weak and pale cat boy quietly approached and held the woman's hand.

The green vertical eyes that belong only to cats stared at her without blinking, so satisfied that they went crazy.

He didn't expect

He can be so close to her.

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