The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1172 I Found You, My Lady (12) (Gageng)


when going out,

She specially put on a mask and hat, fully armed, and then went out with the cat in her arms.

Li Yuanli was waiting outside, and when she saw her, she immediately waved.

When her eyes touched the little black cat in her arms, she was slightly taken aback and said nothing.

got in the car,

Su Jinsheng took off his mask, heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Li Yuanli,

She smiled, very politely,

"Morning Miss Yuan."


Li Yuanli looked at the cat in her arms,

"Jinsheng, this cat is..."

"I just adopted it, named Momo."

Su Jinsheng touched the head of the little black cat with a smile, and explained in a gentle voice,

"It hasn't eaten much since yesterday. I'm wondering... can I send it to a special nursing center for a while, and pick it up when I come back in the evening."

Li Yuanli heard the words, but before she had time to speak,

The originally quiet and well-behaved kitten in his arms exploded in an instant.

It meowed and hugged her hand tightly.

Dark green vertical eyes stared at her, seeming to be unhappy.

"Meow meow! Meow meow meow meow!"

"..." Su Jinsheng was slightly taken aback.

Li Yuanli raised her eyebrows, feeling a little funny,

"Your cat is very human..."

It's rare to see someone who can understand human speech.

Su Jinsheng blinked and smiled helplessly,

"Not only human, but also clingy."

She squeezed its little meat pad amusedly, and whispered softly,

"I won't lose you. I have work today and I can't take care of you, so you go to a comfortable place to stay for a while, okay?"

"……Meow meow meow!"

The little black cat clung tightly to her hand and would not let go.

Su Jinsheng said whatever he wanted,

It just doesn't move, hugs tightly, just wants to follow her.

Li Yuanli looked at it and frowned,

"Jinsheng, the cat is disobedient, why don't you... give him a beating?"

The little black cat's body froze.

But immediately, it was still tightly wrapped around her, meowing, very unhappy.

Su Jinsheng lost his temper completely by it.

She glanced at Li Yuanli, shook her head, and smiled, "It's okay, Mo Mo may just be afraid of strangers."

"It really doesn't just follows us."

"At that time, I will trouble Miss Yuan to buy some cat milk for me, and then feed it."

As soon as the voice fell,

The cat in his arms softened a little.

Li Yuanli nodded, indicating that she understood.

"I will ask Xiaofang to buy it. You have filming this morning, so just give it to me when the time comes."

Su Jinsheng smiled slightly, "Thank you, Miss Yuan."

in arms,

The little black cat narrowed its round eyes slightly,

Its small meat pads also protruded sharp nails in an instant, small and pointed, and extraordinarily hard.

but soon,

When Su Jinsheng touched its little pad,

The nails retracted instantly, without hurting her.


The little black cat was buried in her arms and let out a soft cry.

The car left quickly.



out of traffic,

On a tall residential building,

A man and a woman stood side by side, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

A woman in a pink dress is holding a man in one hand, and holding a sweet ice cream cone in the other, eating with gusto.

When you see a vehicle in traffic,

Her eyes are curved, dimples are shallow, and she smiles happily,

"Liu Shang, my lord and my wife have met..."

don't need them to do anything,

The fragments went directly to the lady.

And judging by the current situation, Shard seems to like Madam very much.





Originally I still owed four chapters, but later... because of your love, I owed three more chapters... Now I owe a total of seven chapters [heartbreak]

Keep working hard tomorrow (T▽T)

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