The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1173 I Found You, My Lady (13)


Liu Shang's eyes were calm, looking at the car going away, slightly pursed his lips,

"We don't need to worry about the next thing."

"Madam...will definitely fall in love with him."

Tuanzi nodded, and was about to agree, but after thinking about it, she hesitated again.

"Then what if... Suli loses his mind and hurts the fragments, what should we do?"

Liu Shang glanced at her, knocked on her forehead, and said,

"Don't forget, my lord is the supreme god. Even if Suli can kill his body, the fragments of his soul body will not be destroyed. At most... It's just that my lord needs a period of recuperation."

As long as the soul remains alive,

No one can hurt his roots.

The soul body of the supreme god, no one can destroy it.


Killed Mrs.

Destined man, intertwined destiny,

Two people live together, one prospers and the other loses.

Adults have no weaknesses, except...


But Suli won't hurt her, and can't hurt her,


They don't need to worry about the safety of the debris at all.

Tuanzi seemed to understand but not understand.

She took another bite of the ice cream, and her mouth was covered with ice-cold cream again,

"Then... what else do we need to do now?"

She tilted her head and asked.

Liu Shang pondered for a moment,

"Let's look at the situation first. If the lady and the fragments have not made any progress, we will help them then."

He narrowed his eyes and glanced at her,

When he touched the cream on her mouth, he sighed and reached out to wipe it off for her.

"This is already the third one, I can't eat any more. If you eat too much, you will easily get upset."

Tuanzi let out a sigh, a little disappointed,

"Aren't I a fairy? How could I have a stomachache?"

She muttered under her breath.

Liu Shang acted as if he hadn't heard, slightly hooked his lips, and didn't speak.

He held her hand tighter, and the two stayed together.



Noisy shooting scene.

The car slowly drove into the special channel.

Li Yuanli got out of the car first, and then escorted Su Jinsheng into the set through the special back door.

There are usually fans blocking the front door of the studio, so most of the big-name celebrities will enter through the back door.

Entering through the back door, you will find the dressing room, rest room, and various field staff directly.

Su Jinsheng nodded with a smile and greeted everyone,

The black cat in her arms half-closed its eyes, buried in her chest, lazily, with its tail wrapped around her wrist bones, neither making noise nor barking.

The dark green cat's pupils are faint, and I can't tell what it feels like, but it's vaguely... a little scary.

The staff immediately saw the cat in Su Jinsheng's arms.

The scene director greeted him, glanced at the black cat, and smiled, "Morning, Teacher Su."

Su Jinsheng nodded and smiled, "Morning."

"Teacher Su, is this cat...?"

"Little pet, it's okay, you don't need to care about it."

Her tone was gentle, "I'll put it in the lounge later, and I won't let it come out to make trouble."

The field manager nodded hurriedly, "Okay, then Mr. Su should go to make up first? The scene is already being set up, and it will be ready soon."

Su Jinsheng gave a "hmm" and walked to the special dressing room with the cat in his arms.

Li Yuanli sent Ah Fang out to buy cat milk, but she hasn't come back yet.

It was hard for her to leave, so she stayed with Su Jinsheng all the time.

The makeup artist was already waiting. Su Jinsheng changed into costumes, sat quietly on a chair, and looked down at the script.

Because she has already recited it before, she only needs to go through it again.

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